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The shootiest list you can think of?


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Lately I've been getting tired of seeing my Blood Angels getting blown to smithereens by long ranged armies (Grey Knights with psycannons, Jokaero weaponsmiths in chimeras, Dark Eldar Ravagers and IG gunlines are but a few of my problems). So I've decided its time to power down my chainsword and blast some holes in things at range. So, whats the shootiest Blood Angel list you can think of at 1750 points? What list can you come up with with enough guns to put the hurt on heavy infantry, AV 14 tanks AND massed transports?


Here's my first try off the top of my head:


135 - Captain, plasma pistol, power weapon, meltabombs


50 - Sanguinary Priest


205 - 5 sternguard with combi-plasma weapons, razorback (heavy bolter)


240 - 10 Tactical marines, plasma gun, plasma cannon, razorback (heavy bolter)

255 - 10 Tactical marines, plasma pistol for sergeant, plasma gun, plasma cannon, razorback (heavy bolter)


100 - 2 Attack bikes, multimeltas

100 - 2 Attack bikes, multimeltas

100 - 2 Attack bikes, multimeltas


145 - Vindicator

135 - Predator - lascannon sponsons, autocannon turret

135 - Predator - lascannon sponsons, autocannon turret


1750 points

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Not sure how Grey Knights turned into a "long range" army, but...



Librarian (Shield, Lance)

5 ASM (Razor, Lasplas, HKM)

5 ASM (Razor, Lasplas. HKM)

5 ASM (Razor, Lasplas, HKM)

5 ASM (Razor, Lasplas, HKM)

5 ASM (Razor, Lasplas)

5 ASM (Razor, Lasplas)

Land Speeder (HB, Typhoon)

Land Speeder (HB, Typhoon)

Land Speeder (HB, Typhoon)

Predator (Autolas)

Predator (Autolas)

Predator (Autolas)


Should maybe swap the Hunter-Killers for Meltaguns to handle high AVs, but eh. Could also squadron two of the Typhoons and use the HKM points + the remaining Typhoon to buy a pair of MM/HF or MM/MM Speeders to deal with the same. Overall strategy is really simple, you throw Preds in front of Razors (or, alternately, in the corners for side shots) and move around shooting. Most everything is 48" range, and at 24" and 12" you double up on your firepower. Libby is the token HQ and can give the Preds in the front line 5+ cover. You've got twelve Lascannons, three Autocannons, and six Missile shots (plus four more expendable ones) blasting from the first turn, which will put a serious dampener on most people's ability to hurt you, and thanks to being Fast you can outmaneuver them pretty easily. If you're worried about hordes, strip the HKMs and turn the Land Speeders into Baal Preds. Also don't forget that it has six scoring units that can also chop up most units reasonably well on the charge- nothing fantastic, but you can pile in wounds pretty easily.


That's the pure shooty versions. Others can take advantage of Flamerbacks, AssBacks, etc in different ways or Tacticals, Scouts and other units. BA does just fine as a shooting army thanks to their fancy tanks.

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Not sure how Grey Knights turned into a "long range" army, but...



3x Psy-rifleman dreads

(or 2 and 1x Vindicare)

Razorspam S6 Heavybolters.

Jokaero with lascannons a plenty.


GK have incredible long range firepower now.



EDIT: To the OP - the list above is faster though!!! And puts out a MEAN amount of firepower. Good call AB! (I'd maybe drop an HK or two and trade out the Typhoons for attack bike squads though, but thats personal preference!)

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Well, here's a non-mech "shooty" list, just in case a foot based approach suits your tastes.



Honor Guard - 4X Plasmagun, 1X Melta Bomb


Sang Priest - Power Weapon, Bike

Sang Priest


Sternguard - 5 man, 2X Missile Launcher

Sternguard - 5 man, 2X Missile Launcher


Scouts - 5 man, Cloaks, 4X Sniper Rifles, Missile Launcher

Scouts - 5 man, Cloaks, 4X Sniper Rifles, Missile Launcher


Attack Bikes - 3 Bikes, 3X Multimelta

Attack Bikes - 3 Bikes, 3X Multimelta

Attack Bikes - 3 Bikes, 3X Multimelta


Devastators - 5 man, 4X Missile Launcher

Devastators - 5 man, 4X Missile Launcher

Devastators - 5 man, 4X Missile Launcher


18 missile launchers, 9 multimeltas, 4 plasmaguns. Fair Priest coverage, which should be hard to shift assuming you have cover. Attack bikes let you react to mobile threats, and provide emergency CC.

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Yes, Grey Knights have some strong long ranged firepower but really- I've found most of their 24'' shooting to be the stuff I worry about, especially with assault troops.


I have a shooty 1500 point list I'm going to be running for a tourney this saturday to throw people off (considering I usually just run berserker assault lists)- so tacking on an extra ML dev squad, downgrading my Reclusiarch to a Libby with shield/lance and adding another razorback squad you end up with :


Libby (Shield, Lance)



Priest (PW)


5 man RAZ in TL-Las Razorback

5 man RAZ in TL-Las Razorback

5 man RAZ in TL-Las Razorback

8 man RAS (Melta, pw) in Land raider (EA, MM, SL)


HB / Typhoon Speeder

Melta / Typhoon Speeder


5 man Dev squad (4 ML)

5 man Dev squad (4 ML)




You wind up with 12 Missile shots a turn, 5 TL-Lascannon shots a turn, a TL-HB, a HB, 2 meltas and a lance if they wind up in range.


I just love the amount of firepower this list puts out even in the 1500 version, and I still have a lot of points put into Mephiston and my LR squad being able to jump out and punch some people when applicable. Dropping Meph and the priest would net you another two RAZ squads and some points leftover if you really wanted to go full shooting. I find having the LR to anchor the shooting force comprised of a few Razorbacks is nice- it gives them some pause when choosing firing priorities, considering most people in my area have this thing with wanting to kill LR or LRC simply for a morale victory. I still find Meph to be invaluable against MSU armies though, even against Grey Knights I can comfortably throw him into a 5 man squad and know he's going to come out alive everytime.

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