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Guns on wings of fire

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I've always thought jump pack marines armed with bolters could be interesting. I mean, it's a cool concept. Death Company could pull it off. Their jump packs could get them within rapid fire range, and then they could still charge afterward. I'd say it's worth a shot.


To be within charge range you have to be within pistol range. I don't see why you'd gimp the Death Company's main strength - close combat - for something at which they're no better than standard Space Marines - shooting. You gain one extra shot but lose one attack in combat.


I guess it does give them a greater range, which could be useful when they're being led around by the nose - it's gotta be tricky to keep all units over 24" away from the Death Company. My personal feeling is that if you're taking Death Company, they need to be eating faces and spitting out noses, that kind of thing.


Now, if Sternguard could be given jump-packs, as people have said previously, I'd be on them like a shot. Alternatively if the Death Company allowed you to take both bolt gun and bolt pistol, as Space Wolves are allowed to do.


Incidentally, Honour Guard can take bolt guns and jump packs also. Again, though, not the best use of them in my opinion!

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A 30 man unit ...


They will still get 3 attacks per model on the charge. That's 90 attacks without duel close combat weapons if the original poster does intend to go for the full 30 man unit.

So that's 60 shots with rapid fire and then 90 attacks on the charge in assault.


You got my vote!

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A 30 man unit ...


They will still get 3 attacks per model on the charge. That's 90 attacks without duel close combat weapons if the original poster does intend to go for the full 30 man unit.

So that's 60 shots with rapid fire and then 90 attacks on the charge in assault.


You got my vote!



pssssst.... :)




Just saying.

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Been trying to make Jump Pack/Bolter DC work, but the packs are just too stupidly expensive. As soon as you're sinking 300+pts into a squad of Marines, you are just asking for things to go wrong- Leman Russ shelling you, charged by some Terminators, etc, etc. You can mitigate it a little, but at the end of the day you're still hugely expensive and not very flexible.


The Bolters aren't the problem- yeah, it's probably a worse option than the Bolt Pistol, but Relentless helps out some and, as noted, it does help you avoid overkill on the charge. (DC should come in units of 10 or fewer, as a rule, to avoid putting too many eggs in one stupid and easily led about basket.)



Fun Fact: Blood Angels can spend more on a Troop slot than even Imperial Guard can, thanks to Death Company. 2850pts for a unit of thirty guys with Jump Packs and double Thunder Hammers: the Tau will never know what him them.

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A 30 man unit ...


They will still get 3 attacks per model on the charge. That's 90 attacks without duel close combat weapons if the original poster does intend to go for the full 30 man unit.

So that's 60 shots with rapid fire and then 90 attacks on the charge in assault.


You got my vote!



pssssst.... :lol:




Just saying.

sorry my calculator must be off heh, still a lot of points

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for marine equivilents the bolter hasnt much goin for it, but for other things that are squishier and faster youll find this tactic very effective. bolters is essientially another attack at initive 10 against things like eldar, dark eldar and nids...


Very valid argument. Because I'm still building my opening list (500 points) I have no experience of other armies as yet. I need to bear in mind that Space Marines are significantly tougher than other units and that while bolter fire may not be too scary to us, it can wipe the grin off almost any other army.


I'll definitely be bearing this in mind for my future lists.

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you could try a command squad with stormbolters and jump-packs led by a librarian. Not a competitive unit, but quite fun.


Seems to me that if you want the stormbolters because they're Assault weapons, you need to be close enough with your unit to use flamers and they do more damage every time.


Stormbolters are better than flamers because of their range, but if you're going for range there are better options again - plasma guns, for example.


I guess stormbolters give you a cheap upgrade option as well as some measure of flexibility. They have the range of plasma guns combined with the assault threat of flamers... and they're cheaper than both. Interesting....

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Add in Lemartes to make it an even 3k.


Yeah, but you can only take Lemartes once, not six times.


Seems to me that if you want the stormbolters because they're Assault weapons, you need to be close enough with your unit to use flamers and they do more damage every time.


The big advantage for an Assault weapon is that you can move and shoot it- being able to assault afterwards is mostly just a small bonus. It's what makes GK and Tyranids mobile- from 30" away, they can move forwards and shoot, whereas a Marine army at the same distance is forced to choose between moving and shooting, even with their 24" range weapons.

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The big advantage for an Assault weapon is that you can move and shoot it- being able to assault afterwards is mostly just a small bonus. It's what makes GK and Tyranids mobile- from 30" away, they can move forwards and shoot, whereas a Marine army at the same distance is forced to choose between moving and shooting, even with their 24" range weapons.


That's interesting. I had it in my head that you can fire after moving with rapid fire weapons. Quick check of the rules explains: you can fire a rapid fire weapon after moving, but you can only fire it 12". I guess this makes Terminators - and anything else with the Relentless special rule - a lot more mobile than I had thought.

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