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Justicar Weiss


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An experiment in SETMM and OSL, inspired/goaded on by Winterdyne. It was a lot of fun and a great excuse to experiment on a one-off model.




Inspiration for this model was drawn from Codex: Daemonhunters/Codex: Grey Knights.


If you have Codex: Daemonhunters, consult page 9, captioned:

Justicar Weiss leads the purging of the tainted basilica of St. Mariel.


If you have Codex: Grey Knights, consult page 12, the inset photograph/illustration.


Before anybody critiques, I know the right wrist is far too elongated, but I only really noticed it after I had built the entire thing, at which point it would have been easier to rebuild the model instead of correct it.




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once again sir pure quality!


just wondering how long have you been painting?


Thanks man! I've been in the hobby for 15 years (started when I was 10), but I've only really taken my painting seriously in the past 4-5.


Well played, sir!


Very nice. I still don't think the reflections your way are right on the leg, but everywhere else they're spot on. How'd you find the OSL work?


We can agree to disagree :) It may be physically wrong, but I think it's more aesthetically pleasing. The OSL was easy for the blade, and annoying for the cowl/head-socket. The actual lighting in the head-socket was easy, but the head itself was a pain, because of the zenithal light from above, and the source-light from below. Took a little while to get (and I don't think I did it perfectly either). But otherwise fun. I don't do OSL a lot so it's nice to break it out every now and again.


Sky-Earth True Metallic Metals. Applying the same false-reflection technique used in NMM painting to metallics.


Although technically I can't claim he's entirely TMM, just as I can't claim he's entirely NMM, as I use both metallic and non-metallic paints in my mixes (shadows go into Charadon Granite and Chaos Black, while highlights go through Regal Blue and up to Skull White).




How much time did you spend on him?


About 15 hours, spread across 5 days (not including build time).




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The OSL on the hood looks a little thick near the bottom, also, why does the lighting only show on half of the backpack? Other than that amazing model!


How so?


The lighting from the front only shows on the left side because the hood, cabling and the head block out the rest of the light. Additionally, the left side has a shoulder guard that helps to reflect the light into the pack, creating another secondary light source. Also, if you look very carefully there is a hint of glow color, but very subtly on the front right of the backpack. Similarly from the back, the purple force blade is on the right side, and as I wanted a subtle glow that faded away quickly, only really illuminates the right side.




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Another thing.. what is he actually doing with his halberd?

He's going to smack a Heretic upside the chin with it of course. All the better for him to witness the awesomely awesome awesomeness of the Gray Knights.


Great work, I can add little else that others have not!

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I see nothing wrong with this mini. Pure excellence! My favorite parts on this piece are the subtle purple hues on the blade, the backpack vents and the head/face.


As for the extended wrist, keep in mind power armour looks to have rubber-like fittings in the joints. One can only assume that these are designed for the occasional over extension during combat.

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Another thing.. what is he actually doing with his halberd? It looks like the blade needs to be the other way round or facing to the side to actually do anything the way he's holding it?


It's based on the original artwork, which has the blade pointed up. If you actually think about it, there's no physical way he can sweep the blade down and up in front of him anyways, unless it was able to cut cleanly through the ground (and even then I think the haft of the halberd would still impact).




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