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Tank shocking a unit that is falling back...

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its in the BRB FAQ (v1.3) p5 column 2 top Q


Q: What happens when a vehicle tank shocks a unit

that is already falling back? (p68)

A: The tank shock will be resolved in the usual manner.

Note that any unit falling back and subsequently tank

shocked will automatically fail the Morale check (as per

page 46).


EDIT: added version

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timmytool has it right. It's quite simple really and didn't merit an FAQ for it. Page 46 of the BRB says:


Troops who are falling back automatically fail all Morale checks, except those to regroup.


Page 68 tells us that tank shocking a unit causes it to take a morale check. So tank shocking a unit falling back causes them to take a morale check which they then auto-pass, causing them to make a fall back move. Quite simple really and handy to run off still dangerous units like Marine squads with meltaguns etc.

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timmytool has it right. It's quite simple really and didn't merit an FAQ for it. Page 46 of the BRB says:


Troops who are falling back automatically fail all Morale checks, except those to regroup.


Page 68 tells us that tank shocking a unit causes it to take a morale check. So tank shocking a unit falling back causes them to take a morale check which they then auto-fail, causing them to make a fall back move. Quite simple really and handy to run off still dangerous units like Marine squads with meltaguns etc.


Fixed it for you. :lol:

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