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If you were going to do a Land Raider Rush list...

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Greetings brothers,


Now I know very well that a LRR list isn't the best list with Chaos, but if you were to do one, what would it look like? The reason I ask, is that I already have the standard 2 x DP, PM, Zerker, Oblit list going on, but as I've been painting up a whole bunch of old school World Eaters, I fancy something a little different. So, what does a CSM LRR look like? (I'm thinking mainly at 1500pts, if that changes things)

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you take out 6 oblits from your list . put in 2 LR. chaos LR army is done.


Y'know I think you might just be right there.... I guess that's a sad state of affairs, but hey, the codex is what it is! Any recommendations on SCs? Khârn has been mentioned, but what about the big man himself, Abaddon? Far too many eggs in too few AV14 baskets?

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2 DPS are most optimal . you need more targets because you will have 0 shoting turn one , so you wont be able to stun/shake stuff[unlike loyalist who can move and use POTMS].

one can run with 2 lords or a lord/Khârn but as said before it aint optimal and isnt cheaper then 2xDP[or rather cheaper so you could by stuff for it to counter the lose of 6oblits].

abadon is bad because A you make a death star unit with him [800 pts abadon LR +zerkers] and it is a bad death start . too high cost too easy to control [not just because our LR suck]. remeber abadon doesnt have frags like a normal lord does . he strikes at the same time as fists and our LR dont have assault launchers.

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2 DPS are most optimal . you need more targets because you will have 0 shoting turn one , so you wont be able to stun/shake stuff[unlike loyalist who can move and use POTMS].


Agreed. 2 more high value targets will help the split that incoming fire. Things will die but hopefully not everything.


As for upgrades on the DPs themselves, I'd lean towards naked winged ones over anything else. Sure they can't take S4-S7 shots as well as a Nurgle DP but you're a fair bit cheaper and still fairly durable. In light of the GK FAQ, I think I would also go with E. Armor over D. Possession to save a few points plus you won't be shooting much anyway.


If you have the available points, I actually find termicide to be more useful in these kinds of lists to compensate for the lack of long range firepower.

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