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Dante and Hit and Run


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Charge Dante + Melee squad and priest (+ ideally a priest)

Deal with your round of combat

End of their round of combat (so in their turn) Use hit and run, make an initiative check to jump out of combat.

Your turn, either repeat above, or move unit elsewhere, leaving a crippled enemy unit behind

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I get it. Do many units usually survive 2 player turns of combat with Dante led Squads? Can a Tac Squad mounted in a Rhino Fire the Plasma Cannon out of the fire port if the rhino moved 12''? Thanks for the help Im trying to form a list that will compete with the new Grey Knight codex. The winning list will become my next army.
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Do many units usually survive 2 player turns of combat with Dante led Squads?
No, but sometimes there is just a straggler hanging on for his life and you can ditch him and go find a better fight while letting another unit clean up the leftovers. Or say if you got counter-charged by a dreadnought, you don't want to hang around in cc.


Can a Tac Squad mounted in a Rhino Fire the Plasma Cannon out of the fire port if the rhino moved 12''
No. If the rhino moves then a heavy weapon cannot be fired at all. A standard weapon can be fired if the rhino moves 6" or less. Only the mounted vehicle weapons can fire if it moves 6-12".
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I get it. Do many units usually survive 2 player turns of combat with Dante led Squads? Can a Tac Squad mounted in a Rhino Fire the Plasma Cannon out of the fire port if the rhino moved 12''? Thanks for the help Im trying to form a list that will compete with the new Grey Knight codex. The winning list will become my next army.

Some squads will survive 2 turns of combat. A lot depends on what Dante is attached to and what is charged.


Nothing can be fired out of a rhino that moves more than 6 inches. A plasma cannon can not fire out of a rhino if the rhino moves.

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from personal experience, I've seen a standard 10 man chaos marine squad led by a chaos lord in termi armour survive two rounds of combat with sangguard, priest and dante. Sometimes rolls get unlucky, recharging in, dante killed the lord while the rest of the unit killed the remaining marine.


Or say if you got counter-charged by a dreadnought, you don't want to hang around in cc.


The above is another great example, dante stuck in CC with a dread would = a dead Dante (as they didnt give him Eternal Warrior, one failed save = dead :P )

Dante hit and running out = melta gun on rear armour of dread.

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I Have had Dante and SG floor 10 man terminator squads in one round. Depends on rolls and inv saves. Dante with banner gets 7 attacks on the charge and your SG are getting 20; thats 27 power weapon hits in one turn. If they have FC, its at ini 7/5. You killthings, but be prepared to be shot at alot until you get into CC. If you have that worked out (stormraven, cough cough) then its sweet sailing.
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I was hoping you guys could explain the advantage of hit and run. What tactics are used with it.


You H&R 3d6" at the end of combat. Say you get 10.5" from that roll. Then you move and assault 12+6 = 18" so you have a very large strike range, and can go from the midfield deep into their backfield, striking Long Fangs, etc.


Or you can hop out and re-assault the unit you were in combat with.


Or you can contest an Objective by leaving the old unit.


If you leave that unit you H&R from, you can then hose them with firepower, from flamers, plasma cannons and vindicators, etc.

Basically, the same tactics you can pull with tank shock'ing a unit, is what H&R can give you.

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