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Blood Angels successor colour scheme...


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I've been wanting to get back into 40k for a while now, having lost out on the time and money for it while I was at college...anyway, back in the day I used to be guard, with a small army, but most that is sold or broken, but I just couldn't ditch the Imperium...


Anyway, I've always liked the look of the SM, Blood Angels in particular. Weirdly, one of my fave pics of them is on the front of the Codex Imperialis from way back in the 2nd Edition (http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p65/Macewind/22445_md-.jpg) and was thinking of painting up an army based on that picture. Before I get any paints, I was wondering if you guys had any comments...I may have a go with the site's painter and see what that churns out.




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ba+ succesors are a good army. our bits and kits offer lots for customisation especially if you want to combine them with other kits too. theres also pleanty of room with all the official succesors and also space for your own succesor. so really you can do as you wish though if your using a more well known army you do have less space(ie you dont have a huge amount of space with ba to do stuff with as you do with flesh tearers, knights of blood theres barely anything known about and then you own you can do pretty much as you wish. so really it compleately depends on what your wanting. and how you like your reds if you want to paint reds(which generally you do if you play ba and succesors but of course there are exceptions such as the lamentors.

so really what do you want and we can guide you on that.

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Yes, I do like the red :D one of the reasons I like the marines is the block colours, I've painted some failsome camouflages in my time. Red just happens to be my favourite colour, and I think it has a good combination of menace and impressiveness on the figures...


I'd have to go with a successor chapter, as I like having freedom with the fluff. I've had an idea for the colour scheme, based on that old BA pic




:HQ: Tactical Squad Marine



;) Sergeant



:HS: Devastator



:HQ: Command Squad


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I am also just starting a Blood Angels Successor chapter at the moment, I call them the Blood Wardens. I went with a red and dark blue colour scheme (see below). I really like the colour scheme you're using, it works great!


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I am also just starting a Blood Angels Successor chapter at the moment, I call them the Blood Wardens. I went with a red and dark blue colour scheme (see below). I really like the colour scheme you're using, it works great!



If I may, that looks rather badass

the clash between the red and blue works well, and keeps away from the typical red / black combo without being too different...

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i left them off my chapter and developed them as i went. i like your scheme. im guesing your aiming for a red slightly darker than the blood angels one? there is a name generator on this site that might give you ideas. look up symbols you like and try to come up with different versions of them. try sketching random symbols. use something you like. maby somehing you have connection to or something. i found symbol easier than name. (strangely as mines quite simple)play around with mixing blood angel symbols with them(such as blood drops) think of a race of people to be the chapters partons and mak them the inhabitants of their homeworld. imagine the world that your chapter comes from. look up reds and colours and battles etc. conect it all. theres plenty of inspiration out there. as a thought i dont thik ive ever seen an egyptian theamed blood angel succesor force(thoug of course becarful of ending up like thousand sons or any follower of tznch..)
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Actually, I was gonna go with something nice and simple, the thing that sprung to mind was 'Blood Guards' cause I like the sound of it, and matches the background of the BA, trying to keep the bloodline and geneseed (and heritage) pure....guarding it ^^


As for a symbol, I've got the idea or either:


> A drop of blood with a short length of chain on either side of it


> or a drop of blood atop a portcullis


but I like the chains better, and think it'd be easier to do... I'll do some sketches at some point :)

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Okay, had an idea for some heraldry


decided the Blood Guard was a cooler name, and liked the chains idea better...


(P.S. excuse the poor image, and the even shoddier drawing. I assure you, I'm not 4 and don't use crayon. I just can't draw >.<)



t'is a thumbnail :rolleyes:


Colours would be, well, red blood drops, iron-grey chains and an assortment of blacks, blues and golds for the rest...

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That banner looks pretty cool. Have you looked through a new 5th edition BA codex yet btw? Your color scheme pics are almost dead-on with one of the successor chapters in there called Angels Encarmine. In fact they're pretty much identical to that pic you like. They're red with black shoulder trim and backpacks, and their symbol is a blood drop with bat wings. forge world even makes decal sheets now with all the symbols of the BA successors too, so there's that route for symbols too if you see any you like or think you could easily alter to fit your army.
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