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Spray primer question

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I've been working with spray primers (both Citadel and Army Painter) trying to get my minis ready for painting. On the plastic minis though, it seems that they're not getting a good even coat, or if they are, then it's running down the legs, making it look like hammered @$$. Am I spraying too close to the mini, or do I really need to wash my plastic minis like I do dishes to fix this?
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if its running down the model, your far too close and spraying far to much at once.


20cm away is about the distance i spray from, and just move the can from left to right to get even coverage. let it dry. Turn the model and do the same again. It might need a couple of coats doing it this way but more thin coats are far better than one horrible thick mess. just remember your not trying to cover the model in one go


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