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searching for my story

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Hey DC,


If your story is older than 2007, it was most likely lost in the Great Crash, or during subsequent cleanup.


A quick look through your posting history turns up 0 topics and a link to a now defunct page (link) - so the above is the most likely scenario. :)

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  • 2 months later...

Guys, sorry I kinda stepped out of the forum for the last couple years, maybe 4 or 5. I am Dark Champion returned to you, an unable to log into my old account since the email address is dead. Your favorite Malaite.


I really wanna find a story I wrote and posted here and on the old ezboard forum the infinity circuit. Also known as /bsalamanders.ezboards. I also know I reposted it a couple times on various 40k sites.


Names was divine judgement, it was about a servant of Malal killing people. Champion with a deamon blade imprisons a deamon in a crystal of each god before taking an undivided daemon prince back to the temple of malal. Slaves it to the whims of all 4 gods when it thought it was the master.


I am pretty sure it was before the move into this site. I really really wanna find this story, it was almost 80 pages and very well reviewed by those who where around then. I can not find it on my own, Tried several times. Please, please help me. A PC died and a flash card got corrupted so I lost the original copies.


This could matter a lot in my life, my rep wants to see how my writting style has "evolved". Please if you know where it is or have a good idea tell me.


By Dark Champion

Title Divine Judgement


There are likely a few chapters of another story I started wth Agatha the Curropter around, but we never finished. Those would be nice to have but not critical.

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