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This thread is for all things about my Lost Company of Jarl Thorimir Kinglsayer, Tolv (12th Great Company) of the Vlka Fenryka.

Fluff can be found by clicking link in my sig.

Original post: Greeting Brothers! Take a seat and have an ale. The following is the start of my Great Company and this log will consist of WIP/PIP pictures unless it has a large FINISHED above the picture. My painting is not great, but what I consider table top quality and I am pleased with it so far, especially after taking so long to find a scheme I liked and could do justice.

Anyways, lets get right to it shall we?

First up, some FINISHED Wolf Scouts that I did for the Summer Advance




Next up, I finally got my mythicast wolves! Quick thanks to Wolf Brother Mikal Wolfheart for his awesome resin article. Thanks brother! msn-wink.gif


Iron Priest mount



Thanks for looking, will try to update often!

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Looks good, looking forward to seeing the progress.


Which reminds me I need to do the same with my Great Company. I need to take a bunch of pics before I really get to work on everything, so then I can show progress and finished pics. Like you finally came down with a color scheme I like, so now need to write up the fluff and get to it.

Thanks for the replies brothers! ;)


@forte: Yeah, I will eventually do the bases for my army one day. Just some saturday after I have finished painting everything Ill get some snow flock and go through the whole thing, haha! :)


@Fhyn: I hear ya brother! I still need to do some more work on my fluff aswell! :devil:



Ok, not a big update, but an update. The Iron Priest is like 80% done. All I have to do is finish the base, shoulder pads, and figure out what I am going to do about a servo arm.



  • 6 months later...

Hail brothers, I return once again to painting my Great Company. My scheme of before just didnt do it for me so I have finally (after much though and frustrations) have decided on another scheme which I think I will stick with. Pics are with cell phone, but I did the best I could.



Let me know what you guys think. Personally, I like it alot, and it is quick, simple and looks pretty good to me.



First up, a red haired Grey Hunter





Secondly, a Grey Hunter with MotW (or, atleast how I represent it at this time)






and thirdly, a Wolf Priest I made from spare bits





Give me your thoughts brothers! I think this is it for me for schemes! :lol:

Fresh off the line, a Grey Hunter with the Wolf Standard. The model was inspired by the Grey Hunter in the current codex on page 80. Hope ya like him!








and the group




  Blacksad said:
for the iron priest's servo arm: I used the missile launcher backpack from the devastator box, closing up the gap where the missiles are visible with GS, and glueing a Stormshield on.



Thanks, I'll have to remember that! I actually just found an old servo harness in a box of bits that for the life of me I cant remember where I got it from :D


Ill get it cleaned up and put it on and do an update soon. Been working on Njal in tda for the Winter Advance and the LPC. Still a ver WIP.




Thanks for the kind words Torin!

  • 2 weeks later...

Njal Stormcaller is FINISHED


Well, finished enough for what I need him for. Still some work I want to do later, like basing and such. But otherwise, he is good.


Let me know what you guys think of Old Man Winter here!











I do believe this completes my Winter Advance Vow, and gets me closer to finishing the B&C LPC.


Thanks for looking!

  • 2 months later...

So, the Librarium Painting Challenge ends in like 2 days and I still have 2 drop pods to complete! ;)



Here they are, WIP shots






And, presenting to all the members of the Fang, a FINISHED Iron Priest on TWM. Still haven't thought of a good name for him, but I will soon.







Thanks for looking, and wish me luck on the Drop Pods!

  Buliwyf said:
I love your army.


Haha! And to be honest, it's partially because of how eerily similar our armies look. I should've posted first, people will think I'm ripping you off. What can I say? You must have excellent taste, Wolf-Brother.




:rolleyes: Thanks! Means alot brother!



No worries on them looking similar! Great minds think alike after all!


And I look forward to seeing your models painted up! :lol:

  • 1 month later...

Hail brothers! I guess it takes a challenge from the Dark Angels to get me into gear! :P



Actually been meaning to update this for a while, just haven't got around to it. Next is my blog which probably has internet cobwebs!



Any who, here's what I've been working on recently.


First up, Grey Hunter Pack 1, which I have vowed for the DA Painting Challenge








Skyrim inspired Hunter. FUS ROH DAH!




Mark of the Wulfen. This will be what I use to represent MotW until I can get a hold of something that better represents it.




and painted








and close up of the Wolf Guard




and a group shot




If you've read Prospero Burns , or am still reading it like me, they talk about them doing a lot of leather work, in particular these masks they wear that have knot work in them to keep away maleficarum. (Anyone remember the name of the masks? I really need to just start Prospero Burns over again). Anyways, my army is drawing a lot of inspiration from that book. I really like this take on the Wolves, or the Vlka Fenryka as opposed to say the Ragnar series (Before anyone gets their panties in a bunch, I loved reading the Ragnar series, and credit it with getting me started with the Wolves, I just prefer this more serious, grim look to them that Mr. Abnett has done)


Now onto Grey Hunter pack 2! If I finish up the first pack with plenty of time, I'll probably vow these guys next, though I am still unsure.






I really dig these two guys, especially the banner guy. Got that from some other members here, and thought I'd give it a go.





I also didn't realise I had used that one-handed-bolter arm twice in the squad, so I'll probably go back and swap it.



And, here are there rhinos!





Hope you all enjoyed, will hopefully have some more progress soon!

Here is an update, small but a big step for me. Finally think I have a method to my madness that I enjoy, both in doing and the outcome. I think it will make for a decent table top quality and hopefully with enough practice better my painting.


This is the second Grey Hunter completed so far for the DA painting challenge.






Also tried out a basing technique. Going for a winter-y/tundra style. Some will have solid snow bases, others with faint patches and rocks, etc.


Let me know what ya think!


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