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Fluff Question


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So im going to make a chaos chapter and i wanted them to be decedents of the Dark Angels is this Fluff whys possible? I don't think i have even seen anything about a fallen chapter of the Dark Angels (( Except well The Fallen with i want to have a slight play in on why the chapter turned traitor))
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While nothing says it couldn't happen, I'd be very surprised if the Dark Angels didn't wipe them out at the earliest opportunity.


That said, I think it could work. Indeed, a chapter being convinced to turn traitor by the Fallen would make a lot of sense. I just don't think they'd have an easy time of things.

Well my idea is after they unknowingly let members of the Fallen escape on more then one occasion a company of the Dark Angels in frustration and anger attack them ((or more so one of they cruisers )) angered by what there brother did ((and not knowing why )) there Chapter Master because filled with rage at this point Khorn see this as an opportunity to gain more followers and uses the chapter masters rage to corrupt him to the forces of chaos and thus the Chaos chapter of "Angels of Hate" is born.
To the Unforgiven, a Fallen is a Fallen. Either way, you'll have every Dark Angel chapter hunting you, maybe more so since you will be easier to find than the true Fallen. I would say that they would hunt you because they know (right or wrong) that the true Fallen are involved with you.

DA would not have attacked you the first time you let the fallen escape, we would have been disappointed, but we would not have attacked you. Nor would your GM not know about the Fallen, he will be aware of it.


You can do whatever you want, but from a fluff perspective, the answer is 'no'. Successors do not turn traitor, maybe companies/stike forces can be corrupted, but I doubt the entire chapter will. the shame of the 10,000 year old betrayel is far to ingranied in the mind of all sons of the Lion.

AH well i got the idea for the them getting pissed and attacking because i was reading the Space Wolf second omnibus and they attack the space wolfs just for showing up on a patrol of a planet that's under there protection ((but then again that could just have had to do with there past :\ )) i suppose i could do more of a Warband then a whole chapter ((i only plan on doing a 500pt army atm then expanding to a 1000-1500pt one )) could have it be a member of the fallen corrupted them into his own persinol war band... hmmm any ideas on how that would work? ( Yes i know no mater what i would have Dark Angels hunting Me ))
Nah, go with a whole traitor chapter, bro. There's plenty of room for a full thousand Marines to fall, no matter their history or pedigree. On top of that, every traitor chapter has every loyalist chapter after it, that's the whole dang point, lol. You could make it so the Chapter was too open about the secrets about the fallen, leading them to a Chapter war and excommunication, or maybe even use an idea of Cypher, being a skilled orator (sp?), was able to sway the young chapter firmly in the Lutherian camp through various means. Heck, make them value freedom over secrecy due to the culture of the planet they recruit from, leading them eventually to rebel against the corrupt Imperium. Or a combination thereof, for that matter. Just have fun, man, and don't let the loyalists sway your line of thinking. It's their job to keep you a goodie-two-shoes, lol.
Mr.1000heathens i like the way you think :D I didn't plan on having my chapter full of crazyz look to do nothing but kill i think the hole them valuing freedom over secrecy would work well as they where a type of chapter that the marines became friends and formed strong bonds in there squads ((I know this happens in loyalist chapters but iv not seen it much in traitors)) they still think the emperor was a great man but that he is indeed DEAD ((dorn-heresy Ultras in that respect )) well some of the chapter have given themselves to chaos ((thus Khone Berzerkers ect )) others simply see the chaos gods as a means to and end.
  1000heathens said:
On top of that, every traitor chapter has every loyalist chapter after it, that's the whole dang point, lol. You could make it so the Chapter was too open about the secrets about the fallen, leading them to a Chapter war and excommunication, or maybe even use an idea of Cypher, being a skilled orator (sp?), was able to sway the young chapter firmly in the Lutherian camp through various means.



Maybe the Fallen was a powerful chaos sorcerer who used his spells to infiltrate the chapter and used his dark power to corrupt them from the inside ;) . By the time the truth is discovered 90% of the chapter have turned and the rest are then killed. :)

In my opinion, sorcery seems too much to me like 'an easy out', a quick and easy way to make good guys into bad guys. Same with 'possesion of the high ranking marine'. Betrayal is so much tastier when the traitor makes a conscious decision to turn his bolter on his brothers because of a conviction that they are right, not convinced by the creepy voices in his head. Fulgrim's already got that one covered pretty well, lol. Just my personal opinion, man.
I just thinking of ideas (Im going to make it no matter what i just need some good fluff behind them ) I like 1000heathens idea of them being to open about the fallen and it gave me a little idea because of the plant there recruit from is all about Knowledge over Secrecy the chapter master end up into and argument with a Captain of one of the Dark Angel companys witch ended up escalating to a point where the chapter master attacked the captain (the chapter master being very head strong and easy to get angered ) this act end up leading the chapter to be labeled as heretics. How does that work for some Fluff?
  EvilToast said:
I just thinking of ideas (Im going to make it no matter what i just need some good fluff behind them ) I like 1000heathens idea of them being to open about the fallen and it gave me a little idea because of the plant there recruit from is all about Knowledge over Secrecy the chapter master end up into and argument with a Captain of one of the Dark Angel companys witch ended up escalating to a point where the chapter master attacked the captain (the chapter master being very head strong and easy to get angered ) this act end up leading the chapter to be labeled as heretics. How does that work for some Fluff?



You could do it a similar way the Alpha Legion corrupted the Emperor's Swords. :)

Potentially. Sounds like Soul Drinkers though, but it could waork.


And 1000heathens: Just a quick comment on Cypher, it is not determined what role he plays, whether or not he is a loyalist or a traitor


If you have them fall, make it unique and interesting, and then expect our entire Legion to hunt you down to destruction :)

Too true, Brother Bohemond, but as per his old IA:


"Strangely, it is rare that Cypher himself instigates the violent acts that invariably occur when he is present. Rather he seems to act as a catalyst who fans any feelings of hatred or mistrust into a raging, uncontrollable fire."




"It is clear that the popularity of Cypher legends is tied to nonconformists throughout the Imperium. Self deluded radicals believe that Imperial institutions attempt to repress individuality and, in a perverse reaction, subconsciously approve of the maverick mystery man."


Cypher practically breeds rebellion whereever he goes. Whether he's loyal or not is irrelevant, he still leaves mayhem and chaos behind himself, for his own reasons (probably to cover his own tracks on the way to Terra and / or Caliban). Sending a DA successor into rebellion would be an excellent victory for his cause, and would send the DA's into a frenzy, which you yourself proved with your instant "kill 'em all" statements earlier, lol. Mission accomplished, man. No offence, of course. ;)

I like 1000heathens Idea of Cypher manipulating the legion now the issue is figuring out how (im no good at making storys :\ ) the main resion i want to do this is i wanted to play chaos and Dark Angels are one of my fav chapters so i kinda wanted to see if i could do something on them for my chaos chapter ;)

@Eviltoast: Give me a PM when you want to bounce some ideas around, or throw 'em here, and I'd be glad to assist in any way I can.


@Brother Bohemond: ...Which just reinforces the whole "What side is he really on?!?!?" mystique that Cypher has. :rolleyes:


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