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Um... can they join units ok...ie Sanguinor with a jump pack unit?


Could Mephiston join a jump pack unit and wing his way with psychic powers along with the unit?


Not used named characters yet...but thought I would give one a go next week. <_<

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Any character with the Independent Character rule can join a squad.


Mephiston, Sanguinor and DC Tycho do not have the Independent Character rule and can not join squads (or be joined by ICs)


Astorath, Dante, Captain Tycho, Corbulo are ICs and can join squads.

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Um... can they join units ok...ie Sanguinor with a jump pack unit?


Could Mephiston join a jump pack unit and wing his way with psychic powers along with the unit?


Not used named characters yet...but thought I would give one a go next week. <_<


Hey, brother!


It's a good question and there's a very definite answer:


If a character has the "Independent Character" Special Rule, he can join a unit. If not, then sadly he cannot join units and is always considered a unit of one model.


Examples of models that have the Independent Character Special Rules are Commander Dante and Astorath the Grim.


Examples of models that do not have the Independent Character Special Rule are The Sanguinor and Mephiston.


There is one character that can be taken with or without the Independent Character Special Rule: Captain Tycho. If he is used with his Captain Tycho profile, he is considered an Independent Character and can join units. If he is used with his Death Company Tycho profile, he is not considered an Independent Character and he cannot join units.


What's your army list?



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Oh, also: Independent Characters can join other Independent Characters. You don't need a unit of basic troopers. So it would be possible to field a unit that consisted of Commander Dante, Astorath the Grim, two Chaplains and three Sanguinary Priests. Stupid, but possible.



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Thanks for the replies.


Lol the 2 that would be most useful in a unit, are the 2 that are not allowed to join. Probably for that exact reason...


Anyway, I am up against grey knights in a 2k rumble. I am going for lots of big guns on bikes, speeders, dreads and tanks to whittle them down, before assualt units pumped up by Sanguinor or Mephiston, a priest and librarian hit them first with lots of attacks to finish what remains. I only use what I have painted, and hopefully I can carry off this base plan! <_<

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Good luck, brother.


I saw a cocky Grey Knights player tabled by Imperial Guard on turn three after he slogged his entire force into a gunline. I guess you want to avoid combat and stay out of their short-range weaponry sights. Sounds like you'll have the firepower with the list you're planning. Let us know how it goes!

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Oh, also: Independent Characters can join other Independent Characters. You don't need a unit of basic troopers. So it would be possible to field a unit that consisted of Commander Dante, Astorath the Grim, two Chaplains and three Sanguinary Priests. Stupid, but possible.


any chance you could quote a reference for this? Im pretty sure it says they cannot in the rule book?

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Oh, also: Independent Characters can join other Independent Characters. You don't need a unit of basic troopers. So it would be possible to field a unit that consisted of Commander Dante, Astorath the Grim, two Chaplains and three Sanguinary Priests. Stupid, but possible.


any chance you could quote a reference for this? Im pretty sure it says they cannot in the rule book?


Direct quote from the BRB:


Independent characters are allowed to join other units. They cannot, however, join vehicle squadrons (see the Vehicles section) and units that always consist of a single model (like most vehicles and monstrous creatures). They can join other independent characters though, to form a powerful multi-character unit!


Page 48, Independent Characters Joining & Leaving Units, first paragraph.

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Oh, also: Independent Characters can join other Independent Characters. You don't need a unit of basic troopers. So it would be possible to field a unit that consisted of Commander Dante, Astorath the Grim, two Chaplains and three Sanguinary Priests. Stupid, but possible.


any chance you could quote a reference for this? Im pretty sure it says they cannot in the rule book?

It is specifically mentioned in the IC rules page.

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well, despite playing the game on a regular basis for over a decade, I had completely missed that. Go figure ;)


Haha! Tell me about it. I haven't been playing nearly so long, but I still get completely flummoxed by rules every now and then. Every game I watch and every game I play I learn something new.


Good to know the game can still surprise you!

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Independent characters can join each other, yes, but can two or more IC join a single squad of normal units?

Sure. Happens all the time in the BA codex with an HQ and a priest joining the same unit.

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Independent characters can join each other, yes, but can two or more IC join a single squad of normal units?

Sure. Happens all the time in the BA codex with an HQ and a priest joining the same unit.

I was asking for that exact scenario, thanks. Though there is also the Honour Guard, where the noviate does not count as an IC.

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I have a feeling that allowing ICs to join other ICs is a preemptive rule to avoid the, I have 2 ICs attached to a squad, what happens when the squad dies? Question, the reason you almost never run into this rule is there is rarely a case where it would be to your advantage to have a squad comprised of only independent characters (especially as many codices can field 2 ICs at the most.)


Just off the top of my head Blood angels can have the largest such unit with 2 HQs and 9 Sanguinary priests (which really does not make a lot of sense), Dark Eldar could get 6 Haemunculi, Space Wolves could get 4 Wolf Lords, and some marine codices can have HQs + Techmarines. But that is about it for multiple character units, most of which don't really serve a purpose.

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