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Hq units that are missing the Independent character rule


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If a hq is missing the independent character rule does that mean that they can't join a squad ?

That is correct. If they don't have the IC rule, they are not ICs and can not join squads.

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Unless a squad can be purchased that explicitly accompanies the character- such as the Techmarine's servitors, or Grand Master Mordrak's Ghost Knights.


Squads that are unlocked by the character cannot automatically join the character; Honor Guards unlocked by Mephiston cannot be attached to him, for example.

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And this isn't limited to HQ units (see: BA Techmarines)

Ug, don't remind me. That was such a disappointment to me when I made the change; the one thing I miss most about the vanilla Dex is the MotF. 2 wounds, 2+, and a servo harness was not only my LR mechanic...he was also a pain-train.


Back on topic: Other ICs cannot join these "always alone" HQs either, as the IC rules expressly forbid them from joining units that are "always composed of one model".

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however, Mordrak is an exception, as he is not a unit that always consists of 1 unit, he can be joined by IC's :P

Fairplay, Paladin Nurglez. :)

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This would apply to BA Techmarines, too; no IC rule, but if you give them Servitors, an IC could join that unit.


an IC can join the unit weather or not you give them servitors, theya re not always a unit of one, the option exists to extend thier unit. Simlarly a tyranic IC may join a lone carnifex, because they can be a unit up to three, weather or not the aditional models were purchased is not relivent.

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This would apply to BA Techmarines, too; no IC rule, but if you give them Servitors, an IC could join that unit.


an IC can join the unit weather or not you give them servitors, theya re not always a unit of one, the option exists to extend thier unit.

Yea they're weird like that. Still, I wish they had the IC rule...so they could ride around with the LR posse.

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