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WYSIWYG and grenades


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It's generally accepted that equipment and wargear that comes as stock on models does not need to be represented for you to be allowed to use it in games. Most things these days come with grenades as standard so that shouldn't be an issue, Melta Bombs should ideally be modelled though (I can't think of a model/unit that comes with them as standard).
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Strictly speaking, no, but I have a couple on vets modelled with Melta charges.


Frags & Kraks don't count because they are universally applicable and equipped by default.

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I find the problem with modelling meltabombs though is the fact that they are, will always be in my book, a last minute upgrade. I don't want to have to pay 15pts for 3 meltabombs on Sergeants all the time when those 15pts could be better spent elsewhere. So I find that in my experience, most people are fine with any grenades not being modelled, frag and kraks as they're standard (although not for Black Templars) and meltabombs because of their nature. If you let people know beforehand you should be fine.
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For me, grenades, like psychic power choices, or enhancement biomorphs for Tyranids, are things that cannot be universally represented and recognised, so belong on your clearly written or typed army list, not on your models.

Melta charges are recognisable if you REALLY know your marine models, but who can say which is a krak and which is a frag, or whether that lump on your head is a toxin sac or an adrenal gland?

Guns, wings and claws are obvious, but you will always need a legible list.

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It's worth remembering that the available pouch bits on various sprues could contain anything. So if a model has one of those - it could easily be a Meltabomb.
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but who can say which is a krak and which is a frag,


Frag are the nobbly ones and krak the smooth ones. Once learned, never forgotten.








Annoyingly, more models come with frag than they do krak.

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Technically any upgrade you purchase needs to be represented somehow...and typically this is done with modelling. The bottom line is, though, that if a model is sufficiently different from anything else that may be confused for it, it's fine. So if you have every sergeant in your army take Melta Bombs, or just the one Sergeant with the banner or the white hair, that will probably fly.


I've honestly never seen anybody get picky about grenades. Other stuff, but not grenades. :mellow:

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Actually, if you want to go by RAW (which in general I don't), WYSIWYG only applies to Independent Characters...

actually it does not


it says that character models in particular tend to have lots of options.....


it then says that all options(weapons and wargear) listed in the codex need to be visually represented


as such the standard equipment on any model does not NEED to be represented but any options made to the equipment of each model has to be to be WYSIWYG.


so a DA tactical marine with no power armour, bolter, bolt pistol or grenades is still WYSIWYG but the Sergent needs to have the chainsword if you want that upgrade.


I'd still say the armour and bolter needed to be there as it is the model but it can be argued that it does not.

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Actually, if you want to go by RAW (which in general I don't), WYSIWYG only applies to Independent Characters...

actually it does not

Yea, WYSIWYG is the weirdest rule in the entire BRB, in that it's never actually stated; it is simply referred to (in the Character/IC section). Counts-As has been a rule for a long time in Warhammer...it's one of those rules that the authors feel is so accepted that it need not be mentioned.


Really, that last bit right there is the crux of so many of our more heated discussions on this board. In my opinion, it's a tragic standpoint of the WH rules authors.

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