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Hey everyone!


My local GW is having its birthday party tomorrow (saturday) and there will be cake, pizza, giveaways, army showcases and even a 40k and fantasy hero deathmatch! So, I needed to get a model painted up and ready for the big bash. I found an old Lysander model that had been thrown to the wayside and decide to revive him today, give him paint, and get him based and ready for combat tomorrow.


I have always HATED painting yellow, but Lysander is one of my favorite characters and I like the Imperial Fist's lore. I have always struggled with their paint scheme though. I gave this one a go and decided to go for a milder and more golden yellow as opposed to the normally super bright yellow I see a lot of people going for. I based it off of this image:




Here's what I came up with for MY Lysander model. Keep in mind that I have NEVER painted an imperial Fists model in entirety and I typically paint orks and Dark Angels (deathwing and ravenwing mostly). So I am sorry if I offend any Imperial Fists players with my paint scheme and style. Comments and questions are always appreciated.


The yellow is less bright in real life but my camera is not so stellar :/







In terms of the actual deathmatch I believe that there will be a lightweight, middleweight, and heavyweight division. Each named hero will be placed in the correct division based on their stats, abilities, weapons etc. I think lysander is in middle or heavy. Anywho, wish me luck and hopefully he will do me proud!



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