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Scions of Ahriman

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So as the title says this is my first foray into the depths of chaos.


I've built a 2000+ pt army of Ksons with an Ahriman counts-as as the leader. I've been thinking about this army for quite awhile and tomorrow's tournament was the catalyst for it's completion.


I'll be using Ahriman, 3 squads of rubrics w/rhinos, 3 squads of 2 obliterators, a Demon Prince (a golem fluff wise), and a small unit of chosen (reanimated corpses of loyal marines).


I'll post up the exact list after the tournament and let you know how many spawn I created ;).

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I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess ;)


All right....so the ksons ran into the probability god and soundly got trounced.


Let's just say out of three games my rolling was only average in one and abysmal in the others.


My list


DPrince with Mot, wings, Boc, and Warptime


2-9rubric,1sorc, Boc, rhino w/xarm

1-8rubric,1sorc, Goc, rhino w/xarm


3-2man oblits


6 chosen, 3w/claws, 1w/powerwpn, 1 meltagun, 2 meltaboms, champion


The tournament was you could use 500 points for heavy support and then 1700 for the rest.


My first game was against necron, 4 x 8 table, 5 objectives. My rolling was poor to say the least but I did end up spawning the Deceiver on the last turn. Didn't matter but it was a moral victory for me. It came down to the last turn where I had a sorcerer claiming one and he had warriors claiming another. He shot from a monolith (he had two), and wounded the sorcerer. All I needed was a 4 to tie..nope.


Second game was against a different necron player...yup you heard right, out of six guys at the tournament (I know don't get me started), two were necron, two were chaos, one was a grey knight, and the last was a death wing. So any way this necron had three monoliths in reserve along with two units of warriors. He started with a lord and three units of 5 destoyers on the board. It was touch and go the whole game due to me not being able to wound anything and him making wwb rolls like crazy. It ended up being a tie in the last round until a monolith shot the objective I was controlling. Yeah..you could destroy the objectives in this game.


Last game was against the Grey knight. At least this game my dice rolled statistically average. This game we had unlimited reserves, if you killed a unit you got a kill point for it but it gets to come back. He was running a LRC, 2 units of paladins, Drako?, Stormraven, dreadknight, pergation squad, sniper. Well Ahriman was able to spawn the Dreadknight, but the spawn was then killed by the LRC. He gunned after my oblits and was able to kill them several times, I killed his pergation squad and sniper and the Dreadknight. I think it ended up 5 to 7 killpoints.


I enjoyed putting the army together and look forward to playing them in friendly games, but they are nowhere near a tournament army (my dice didn't help either).


Ahriman did GoC the Deceiver and a Dreadknight and fried a unit of destroyers but that was pretty much it. So there you go, my first three games with the ksons.

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not bad, sounds like it was an interesting, if frusterating, day. out of curiousity have you considered auto/las predators instead of oblits? i know everyone loves oblits, but for our army the auto/las gets more shots a turn at tanks/mc's then oblits do, and for far cheaper allowing you to take extra stuff in the list. since the thousand sons/prince/ahriman/chosen all seem to take care of anti-infantry, your only using oblits for half their in game task for their full price {typically}.


i highly reccomment giving them a try {predators}. their cheap and effective with a high rate of fire, and they'll drop anything save maybe a monolith {deamon princes eat landraiders....}

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The scenerios were interesting, however they did mess with me. I did think about tanks instead of the oblits, but I wanted to keep with a relentless type of army and stuck with them for fluff and modeling purposes.


As to modeling, here is the army I put together in a week and a half.


Rubrics w/Rhino



Oblits w/Rubric






DemonPrince (golem)



The 2000+ army cost about 100 bucks. If I got more stuff from ebay it would have been less.

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