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Lucius Questions.


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In Lucius' fluff he takes over the body of those who slay him in combat, slowly twisting their bodies until they become him.

My questions are this, what if the person caught on that they were being possessed and just killed themselves? Surely Lucius would be killed too? I imagine possessing a corpse would be beyond him and if he's in his killer's mind and his killer is dead...where would he go? Back to the Warp surely but what would happen to him then? What if he got eaten and assimilated by some Kroot, so there would be bits of Lucius in all of them? What if he got taken down by a Tau? Their low warp presence would make possession extremely difficult although not impossible. What if he got taken down by Necrons? Pariahs especially (anti-Warp fiends). How would he go about possessing a marine in a Dreadnought, or an Eldar, who have rather good Psykic defense and be wary of the Warp?

And just HOW is he the CHAMPION OF SLAANESH when it's clearly indicated by his fancy armour that he's DIED so many times!!!??? :huh:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I figure if he was killed by a dreadnaught, he would possess whatever fleshy bits were left and the rest would reanimate for him. With a Pariah, they would likely morph into Lucius' armour, and Lucius would sort of grow from inside that. Whichever one of those Kroot struck the killing blow would be the one who transformed, and I figure that by the time someone caught on to what was happening, Lucius would have enough hold on them to stop them from an-heroing. Or he would just possess the dead body. If he can come back from the dead as many times as he wants, then why couldn't Slaanesh flex his Warp muscle and make him do it in a corpse?


The reason he's died so many times, I figure, is because he's very arrogant and knows he can never truly be killed. Also, he enjoys death, because he's a Slaanesh-y masochisty man.


In the 5th edition Codex, it says that anyone who kills him and takes even a moment of triumph will turn into him.


Solution: Kill him with Servitors. They can't emote or anything.

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  • 4 weeks later...
That brings up an interesting notion... if a hive fleet eats him... does he become the entire hive?


That's alot lof lucy's running around.


This has always been my problem with lucius' fluff. If he was killed by a brood of ravening Tyranids, are they even likely to feel the required 'moment of triumph' seeing as how they're hive mind driven.


It's just another kill and some more matter to digest as far as they're concerned.


Still this is the world of GW .....suspension of belief ftw :huh:

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that's the thing... it's a hive mind.. they all feel a moment of triumph... at the same time... everywhere, in the universe...


Like I said, so many lucy's it boggles the mind. Then again, it would also take care of a threat to the entire galaxy as well.

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yea but that many lucies would nodoughtedly cause a lot bigger threat as that probably outnumbers alll loyalist spacemarines on its own... f not spacemarines...

saying that this is lucius, he would challenge himself and fight till there was only one. what happens if somehow lucius posses lucius.... mmm im imagining a corrupt version of that scene out of pirates of the carribean...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
The reason he's died so many times, I figure, is because he's very arrogant and knows he can never truly be killed. Also, he enjoys death, because he's a Slaanesh-y masochisty man.


I actually go with a far more tragic interpretation. He's lived for 10,000 years, enjoying every possible experience he can. Now, he's bored, and unlike every other Slaaneshi Champion out there, they can just kill themselves to feel one last unique experience. Sadly for Lucius, even that has become tedious. He's died in every possible way in battle. He's killed himself over and over, only to have Slaanesh bring his burned-out corpse back to life. He's experienced every possible emotion known to man, and many, many that aren't, and he's searching eternally for something, anything, to give him even a moment's satisfaction.


Slaanesh doesn't keep him because Lucius feels awesome emotions for him, s/he toys with Lucius, enjoying the soul-crushing depths of despair as yet another year passes in grey tedium.

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  • 1 month later...
The reason he's died so many times, I figure, is because he's very arrogant and knows he can never truly be killed. Also, he enjoys death, because he's a Slaanesh-y masochisty man.


I actually go with a far more tragic interpretation. He's lived for 10,000 years, enjoying every possible experience he can. Now, he's bored, and unlike every other Slaaneshi Champion out there, they can just kill themselves to feel one last unique experience. Sadly for Lucius, even that has become tedious. He's died in every possible way in battle. He's killed himself over and over, only to have Slaanesh bring his burned-out corpse back to life. He's experienced every possible emotion known to man, and many, many that aren't, and he's searching eternally for something, anything, to give him even a moment's satisfaction.


Slaanesh doesn't keep him because Lucius feels awesome emotions for him, s/he toys with Lucius, enjoying the soul-crushing depths of despair as yet another year passes in grey tedium.



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Davey Jones' locker + Highlander = a whole lot of lucy's beating the crap out of eachother.... might be a fun battle to watch.

Yes it would but it is besides the point. :lol:


What if he gets stepped on by a titan? A titan sized Lucius is a mighty entertaining idea tbh...

Would a Titan even notice? :lol:


Oh, and I like Lord_Caerolion's approach.

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  • 3 weeks later...
id imagine hed have died a couple of times in void battles (ship to ship)..

whatever his fate, im sure slaany can resurrect him at will, like khorne does with Khârn

Have to agree there. Turning Lucius's killer into the next Lucius is more like another one of Slaanesh's little games than some absolute requirement that Lucius cannot be resurrected without.

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  • 3 weeks later...
He's died in every possible way in battle.


I'd love to see the fight where he gets killed by someone armed only with a spork! ;)


That might actually be embarrassing ^_^

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well... how about the battles that he never actually dies in... say... he is turned into a squig... he wouldn't actually die... therefore the requisite for turning zogwart(or any other random ork that happens upon the ability) could still take a moment of triumph out of the event... and provided the squig doesn't die, lucius would be stuck... as a squig... an evil chaos-y souled squig.
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well... how about the battles that he never actually dies in... say... he is turned into a squig... he wouldn't actually die... therefore the requisite for turning zogwart(or any other random ork that happens upon the ability) could still take a moment of triumph out of the event... and provided the squig doesn't die, lucius would be stuck... as a squig... an evil chaos-y souled squig.


He can be resurrected from the dead, literally possessing and transforming the body of another. I'm sure Slaanesh can have him do the same with the squig body.

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