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Lucius Questions.


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I personally just dislike lucy all around. He seems okay on the surface but in reality he is just meh. All messed up looking and full of fail.


To boot even with all his fancy fluff there isn't an actual possession rule for him. I mean celestine (i think) can pop back up every turn on a 4 up but lucy just slaps you if he makes a save?


I think we need a sexier scarier more sadistic truely slaaneshi champ in the codex. Bring back fulgrim, clean up lucy or just give us some nasty EC version of typhus. A standard chaos lord rocking a bliss giver with some sonic weapons would be far far scarier. Toss in a lash of submission and you'd have one super sexy slaaneshi champ that could make num nums on lucius.


Just my opinion =)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've given up! I'm going to start playing lucius.... they fine casted him and gw has made fluff so that he will never die so I may as well get used to his immortal sado masochistic self. At least he has a doom siren lol.


On the fluff note I tend to agree with the idea that his is simply a slaaneshi toy and slaanesh is just using him for giggles. I mean how often do you see the chaos gods just do crazy things for no real reason that any mortal can understand. They off primarchs to favor lower marines and kill off entire warbands with plauges and are as likely to spawn a champion as they are to make them into an immortal killing machine. If slaanesh feels like bringing lucius back over and over no amount of logic is going to stop it lol.

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nah aint that easy . you have to feel good about it . a nid or a necron wouldnt change . a titan stomping on him wouldnt notice .draigo would be immune because if he is still alive after the stuff he died something as minor as the body parasite thing lucius has wouldnt work on him .
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Aekold Helbrass was the original chaos god plaything and sadly had better fluff then lucius even , if it was a snip in an army book .



Ahh, Aekold the Miraculous. Still got his card somewhere. Sweet.

The mini was nice too.

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What i'm saying is he's been around for 10000 years, he should have encountered one of the many possile things that should be immune to him by now. And his armor looking like it does gaurantees that he's been killed... alot. The only ways to handle the paradox are a)nothing is immune to it, ;) slaanesh just brings him back somehow anyway.


I mean or else he'd just be one lucky dude who never got stomped by a titan or what ever in 10k years of tossing himself recklessly into any combat he can find. He is still around and so either avoids things he can't potential possess or slaanesh has his back.

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nah aint that easy . you have to feel good about it . a nid or a necron wouldnt change . a titan stomping on him wouldnt notice .draigo would be immune because if he is still alive after the stuff he died something as minor as the body parasite thing lucius has wouldnt work on him .


Gavdex says nothing about the fact that you have to be happy about killing him. And I guess he would always come back, thanks to Slaanesh being fond of him, more or less like Khorne with Khârn.

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the transfer happens because someone "feels" something that links him to slanesh . the drive for more , I am best , I am perfection makes the transfer work and this way lucius never dies . Its a bit like possession . If something/someone doesnt feel anything , then the link isnt there and the transfer wont happen . huge warp disturbance [nid shadow in the warp , somene being parich] or being marked would probably protect someone too .
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Spoilers from 'The Primarchs', don't have the book with me but this is the general gist of it.


Read at your own peril:





He's had his armour covered in sculpted faces since the Daemon took over Fulgrim.




There's some foreshadowing from Fulgrim who mentions that Lucius has yet to feel the pleasure of death.




Unrelated but awesome:



We got our Primarch back!


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  • 3 weeks later...
Alright so having just looked at the codex it says that anyone who slays him and takes even a moment of satisfaction in the fact will become him. It does not however say that the person has to kill him personally, just merely have somehow resulted in his death. Scenario: a world on which the chaos are fighting is abandoned by the Imperial defenders in the face of the Tyranid hive fleet, who descend to the planet, devouring all who didn't get off quick enough, including Lucius. As per the standard policy regarding infested worlds, the Inquisitor in charge of the operation orders Exterminatus. As the plant burn he learns from one of his informants that there was a contingency of traitor marines on the surface, all of whom died in the invasion and subsequent purging. The Inquisitor feels satisfied that even though millions of loyal citizens died, some good did come of the disaster. Later he would become Lucius, even though he wasn't aware that he killed him, or even that Lucius even existed. But he took satisfaction in his death, which he ultimately contributed to, even though it was indirectly and unintentional.
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Haha, I went through some of these and got caught in the "what if train." Simply put though, Lucius gets killed by a non hubris creature and or robot...I think he just dies. It's not like everyone has to be completely immortal all the time. Even Achilles has heels.


Also someone mentioned his armor being a lot of souls due to him dying a lot as a champion, do you think that's his thing? Like he just gets high and comes to fights expecting to lose. Plan A) includes really preparing for this fight and getting a narrow victory or Plan :( show up drunk, get killed by whatever, have a new face on my armor.

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