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Pilgrims Argyllian

Pilgrim Argyllian

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Hello all, I couldn't work out the best way to show updated drafts, and my previous thread is now several months old Old thread link

I will admit this IA is heavily influenced by modelling ideas but I've tried to keep within the fluff and make something interesting.

Thanks to Shinzaren and NightrawenII for their input.





The Pilgrims Argyllian were a chapter of the 23rd founding (999M37) using Guilliman’s gene seed. A fleet based chapter charged with protecting the outer reaches of the imperium, they generally operated in the outskirts of Segmentum Obscurus. The chapter followed a standard codex layout with elements of the force spread across their armada provided for them by the Adeptus Mechanicus.



The Ork Pirates and Warbosses from local Ork home-worlds were the main concerns of the chapter, although it was not uncommon to find them fighting the forces of chaos and putting down rebel uprisings due to their proximity to the Eye of Terror. The secondment of Librarian Stylius to the deathwatch, requested due to his expertise in battling the “Weirdboy” psykers of the greenskins, stands as testament to their skill in battling the Orks. Intense battles with the xenos threat kept the chapter from aiding the battles against the black crusades that ravaged the inner part on segmentum obscurus throughout M38-M40.


In 139.m41 during a rare lull in Ork activity, a call for help was received from a monitoring station deep within the Gothic Sector. The communication claimed an entire sub system was under threat of attack. Rather than deploying single companies aboard strike cruisers as was the usual response, it was decided the full force of the chapter would be brought to bear, for a threat this great would require the Emperor’s Hammer, not his scalpel. For the first time in two centuries the entire chapter moved as one. As the Argyllian fleet emerged from the warp, they were battered by a massive ambush. It is not known if the monitoring station had fallen to the ruinous powers of Slaanesh heading for the Despoiler’s 12th Black Crusade or whether the Argyllians had been lured by Abbadon’s dark forces.


Hopelessly outnumbered by the traitorous forces that included almost as many capital ships as the Argyllians had vessels, the flagship was boarded. Having just emerged from the warp, many of the fleets weapons and shields were still offline and those onboard were shamefully unprepared for battle. The final communication from the lead battle barge was a garbled command to fall back, the sound of slaaneshi demons drowning out the voice of their commander. The chapter’s headquarters staff, 2nd, 3rd and 4th companies were not heard from again.


The second barge in the flotilla contained the librarium, 1st, 5th and 6th companies, The chapter’s veterans and psykers were putting up a good fight against the abominations of the flesh that made up the boarding parties. They fought hard until the chaos fleet, having no regard for their own warriors on board, tore the entire ship apart with their immense naval firepower. The Argyllian escorts and strike cruisers attempted fend off the attackers but faced with insurmountable odds, found themselves lacking for the task.


The final battle barge held the chapter’s armoury and forge, 7th (tactical reserve) and 9th (devastator) companies along with most of the chapter’s motor pool and the small 10th scout company. Only this, the forge ship, being the last out of the warp and positioned at the rear of the sortie, managed to escape the maelstrom, leaping back into the warp as the chaos forces launched a massive salvo of torpedoes.


As they entered the treacherous currents of the warp, torpedoes slammed into the ship Huge energy blasts swept through the vessel killing virtually all those not fully clad in power armour. The ship was in a dire state of repair, despite the warp drives remaining functional, the nigh on complete destruction of the tau-ortah system left the ship’s lone surviving pilot unable to initiate the leap back from the immaterium.


A huge number of repairs were required, not only to the crippled control system, but to numerous other elements of the ship. With the almost all the indentured workers and servitors no more than disfigured, desiccated or disintegrated corpses, it fell to the remaining marines to take up tools. Techmarine Suprema Nychus trained the remaining brothers to perform simple maintenance and other tasks usually undertaken by the servitors, whilst other techmarines attempted to correct the most serious damage.


When the Ship finally emerged from the warp they found themselves thousands of lightyears from terra, the astronomican but a vague hum in the darkness. The constant strain of maintaining the gellar field for the time spent in the warp had all but annihilated the warp drives. Far out of range of normal communications the only signal to be detected was a faint distress call further out into the reaches of space. From what they could decipher it was emanating from a long forgotten ark mechanicus, the Enano Rojo.


The remaining marines had a choice: try to return to terra on their own steam at sub warp speed, a journey that would take centuries, or, travel further out into the unknown in the hope of reaching the ark whereby they may find repair, or spoils yet greater. Some suggested going into sus-an stasis, keeping a rotating skeleton crew whilst the ship edged towards imperial territory. Others wondered what threat could have possibly incapacitated one of the great arks. In the end the decision came down to the highest ranking members of staff.


The twin masters of the forge; Gregorius, Artificer of the Arsenal and Antonius, the Artisan of Blades were the most senior staff to have survived, the preference to be without their helms having cost the Captains of the 7th and 9th companies dearly.


Records show the artificers had been inducted to the adaptus astartes together. The sons of a renowned smith both had shown great proficiency in all things mechanical and were prime candidates for apprenticeship on mars. During their years as techmarines in the chapter, servicing, building and maintaining equipment, in the forge and on the battlefield, they had both come to have a great many number of bionic adaptations. At first glance each seemed to be half man- half machine, some said they were not twins but one man split in two, others quipped that were you to take them both together you’d not find a whole man between them. They had shown great leadership during the time in the warp, smoothly managing the repairs, dividing tasks between the remaining brothers and keeping morale high. The chapter had faith in their decision


The brothers entered the armoury alone to consider their situation. After days of deliberation, prayer and calculation they emerged from the forge and in unison declared:


“Where those weak of the flesh have sought to destroy us, the body of steel will protect us.

The Ark is a sign from the Omnissiah. We have been saved. Onwards, to the Ark!”


This decision was not without detractors, particularly some of the older brothers felt that taking on whatever had incapacitated the ark was foolish and the twins’ devotion all things mechanical had outweighed their duty to the chapter. The 9th company chaplain, unlike the artisans, did not beleive the Omnissiah and Emperor are one and the same. He grimly muttered they would be destroyed for their heresy in putting the machine god before the emperor. He found himself in the minority however, only a handful of his brethren joined him in a death vow, symbolically painting their helms black and volunteering themselves to be at the forefront of every battle.


Others were more pragmatic, suffering losses as great as they had, usually spelled the end for a chapter. Many chapters in the past, without enough numbers to remain combat effective had been dissolved, either being charged death vow, sent against the imperium’s greatest enemies facing impossible odds or through transfer to the deathwatch where they would join the black shields. Despite their geneseed stocks surviving aboard the forgeship(for it is to the adeptus mechanicus that a chapter’s geneseed tithes are paid), it would take the permission of the highlords of terra for the chapter to be able to rebuild. Perhaps if they could return to Mars with a lost ark or some newly discovered archaotech their chances may be improved.


There was fear amongst some that their final movements in Imperial space may have been misread. To the outside observer they could have been just as easily joining rather than battling the despoilers crusade. These fears were compounded with the thought that some of their fleet may have captured after they had fled into the warp. One way or another, despite their centuries of service, they could not be sure the imperium would welcome them on their eventual return.


Their potential destruction was just one factor in their change of viewpoint. Whilst training them to repair the ship Brother Nychus had taught the brothers to revere the power of the machine spirit. The chapter’s rust red armour now seemed strangely fitting as they gave thanks for the protection of the Omnissiah. Even if they were to survive, the chapter as it had been would be no more. With new beliefs, new command, and new mission, this truly was a rebirth for the chapter.




Shortly after beginning their journey, the pilgrims came across Cornubbia a tiny mineral rich planet. The planet’s abnormal density created a liveable gravity and despite its diminutive size the world was capable of maintaining an atmosphere.


Upon landing it was found to be inhabited by backwards ranchers totally isolated from the rest of humanity. Still dependent on solid fuel and steam power they rejoiced at the return of “those who came from the sky”. It was deduced the world had been settled millennia ago, by one of the many stasis ships, long before the discovery of warp travel. The planet’s gravity had made the inhabitants strong, their bones shorter and more dense than most humans, although the changes were not to the extent seen on other worlds inhabited by some of the other early mining vessels. (The abhumans they became, thankfully since wiped from existence). Their forefathers had constructed underground dwellings near the centre of the great plains. These protected the Cornubbians from the fierce ash storms that frequently tore across the surface from the sea of fire that covered much of the southern part of the planet.


The leader of the settlement asked the pilgrims to slay a creature known only as the great beast which had been decimating their cattle herds. After days of searching, a gargantuan squiggoth was sighted to the far east of the plain, in the foothills of the impassable mountains the natives believed covered the rest of the planet. Tremendous firepower was needed to bring the beast down. Eventually the combination of ordnance, energy weapons and holy bolter fire slew the leviathan. In thanks the governor of the world presented to the chapter an ancient mechanical steed. Apparently a gift bestowed upon them by the “men from above” who had visited generations before. The Pilgrims postured it was not the only thing gifted to them, as there were other pieces of technology that seemed out of place on such a backwards planet. Most notably, they noticed solid fuel powered tractors seemingly based on the Leman Russ chassis and complex devices used to draw water from the steam of the lava vents that dotted the plains (many of which were inoperable due to their innability to maintain them)


Following the example of the great Roboute Guilliman of defending planets encountered and hoping to rebuild the chapter to former glory, it was decided that the planet would become their home. The Cornubbians readily agreed to the prospect of “the visitors from the sky” staying and offered their services to the honoured guests. A dozen brothers were given several tasks by the chapter: first and foremost to maintain a signal so that help may be sought. Secondly they must train and arm a defence force to keep any emerging threats at bay. Whilst doing this they should look for any suitable recruits so that the chapter may grow once again to full strength. Thirdly, The Conubbian’s expertise in burrowing of the should be used to build a fortress monastery fitting for the great chapter the pilgrims would become. This would also require mining of the planet’s plentiful mineral resources. Finally, if possible, steps should be taken improve the lives of planet dwellers.


A tactical squad along with Techmarine Issacia and Apothecary Humberto of the 9th company left the forge ship aboard a thunderhawk gunship containing a rhino apc, a range of tools and hold full of supplies. Most important of these was a small sample of geneseed stocks to ensure no matter the fate of those searching for the ark, the chapter might live on.



Most of the chapter are aboard the forge-ship closing on the immobilised ark. The chapter makes planetfall at any opportunity to seek supplies and search for archaeotech. In this unconquered realm they have encountered many hostile races, arachnoid xenos similar to tyranids, the ubiquitous orks, and more rarely a developed race. The pilgrimage has already taken twice the time expected, for three decades they have been travelling, but their faith does not waver, on the contrary, every successful conflict simply reaffirms their conviction in the protection of the machine god.


In the years Issacia and Humberto have spent on Cornubbia with their comrades, much progress has been made. The mining of the fortress, going far deeper than the Cornubbians had ever attempted, revealed a lava massive lava vent, the steam from which increased the water supply of the Cornubbians by some fifty percent. From the monuments adorning the monastery dominating the great plain, water flows into complex canals, irrigating the agriculture that releases much of the population from the tireless ranching that previously dominated life on Cornubbia. The Cornubbians, now better fed and protected from previously undefeatable foes are eager to help the marines in their construction. Biologically the populous are ideal marines and almost a score of scouts has been recruited from the muscular, strong boned sons of the Cornubbians. There have been some issues with equipment going astray, some workers have claimed to hear chattering deep in the tunnels and shadows flickering in the dark. The Pilgrims believe these unfounded rumours are simply a cover for criminal activity and have taken steps to minimise shrinkage.



Low Gothic: Onwards to the ark!

High Gothic: Trahatur ad arcam!

Lingua Technis:01001111011011100111011101100001011100100110010001110011001000000111010001101111001000000111




Originally a ship at full mast, streamers flowing in the wind. Now a ship of tattered sails, representing their great loss, at anchor, representing their new home world, surrounded by the cog of the Omnissiah, showing the protection given by the machine god. Rust red armour, brass trim with one shoulder quartered green and white.



The chapter is reverent to the Omnissiah for saving them and they see the strength in steel over flesh. Many have mixed feelings about the imperium, fearful they may have been declared tratoris and would be destroyed after millennia in the emperor’s service, but also eager to return and be welcomed into the fold again. “Iron Father” Nychus handles most rituals, although each pilgrim forges a personal relationship with machine spirit through the blessings and modifications they make not only to their equipment but bodies also. Bionics are seen not as solutions to grievous injuries as is the case in most chapters, but as signs of devotion.



Thankfully most of the 7th and 9th companies survived aboard the forge-barge, as did their equipment including the majority of the chapter’s motor pool. Unfortunately the bikes and jump infantry were lost with the battle companies and 6th and 8th reserves. Below are some brief biographies of more notable units and pilgrims in the chapter.


The Twin Forgemasters

One, the master of ranged weapons, carries the conversion glaive to battle whilst the other, in charge of the chapter’s mêlée weapons can be seen on the front lines in a blur of mechanical arms and tendrils. So great is the chapters fear of losing more high ranking staff they are never seen together on the field of battle, in fact it is rare to see them together under any circumstance. When one of the forgemasters is called to battle, he rides upon the iron steed. A great feat of engineering, it allows the artisan a superior view of the battlefield and greatly increases his mobility, in much the same way the now lost space marine bikes would have.


Stylius, The Lost Librarian

Due to his great skill in battling the weirdboys of the Orks, Stylius was on secondment to the deathwatch when the chapter was attacked. When the time came to return to his chapter, he was informed The Imperium believe the Brothers Argyllian to be either destroyed or traitorous. The Librarian was lucky to be offered the chance to become a black shield of the deathwatch, but instead absconded and joined with a rogue trader in hope of finding the missing fleet.


Chapter Archivist

With the death of the navigators and loss of the librarium the sole psyker left in the chapter was the a lowly lexicanium. Although his power cannot match his superiors, even this low ranking psyker’s abilities could best any of those found on the black ships destined for Terra. Thankfully the Gellar field, through the prolonged efforts of the chapter’s techmarines, protected him from the warp beasts that would have destroyed even a mind as well trained as his. His value the chapter is so great he is afforded the right to wear one of the few remaining suits of TDA. Extensively modified to aid him, as his power often falls somewhat short of the roles asked of him, the psychic hood protects him from the perils of the warp whilst the attached storm shield provides defence from more corporeal dangers. All agreed, especially the lexicanium himself, that it would be disrespectful to give him the title of chapter librarian. Instead he is referred to as “The Archivist”. His unfortunate lack of power is somewhat mitigated by his use of a psychic rod, acting as a sort of warp battery. The Archivist is able to charge the arcane force weapon and unleash its might when required.



Very few of the brothers, particularly some of the elder marines were not entirely at ease with the decision to seek out the ark. They maintain belief the flagship survived the onslaught of the ruinous powers and escaped into the warp as they had. Rather than the always outmanned never outgunned philosophy of the rest of the chapter they prefer fight hand to hand far ahead of the rest of the chapter. They eschew chapter tactics using no transport except the drop pods that allow them to reach the enemy faster and are often seen fighting bare headed. “For with the emperor on their side, what need do they have for the protection of iron?” The rest of the chapter’s hands-off battle style gives them their pick of the surviving mêlée weapons. In battle and spirit they are lead by the chapter’s remaining chaplain. Just as the chaplains of the imperium clad themselves in black, representing both reverence for the Emperor and death, the penitents have repainted their helms to the same effect. Despite their misgivings they are fiercely loyal to the chapter accept any task given to them by the twin artificers. Their willingness to take on the most risky of missions and bring the fight to the enemy, makes them tactically invaluable to the chapter otherwise lacking close quarters warriors.


Iron Father

Techmarine Suprema Nychus trained many of the pilgrims not only in the mechanical workings of the ship but also in dealing with the machine spirit. He is seen not only as a skilled techmarine but also as a spiritual guide in the cult mechanicus. His duties are much the same as a chaplain’s in the codex chapters. Without a rosarius he relies on his many bionic adaptations to protect him whilst smiting his enemies with his servo-wrench.


Sergeants Mechanicus

In order to aid with repairs the remaining astartes were trained to use various pieces of armoury tools and hardware. The Iron Father taught some to operate the mechanical servo arms normally used by techmarines. Some have chosen to continue to use these mechanical additions, although unable to repair vehicles on the battlefield their hands are left free to use ranged weapons whilst keeping the punch of a power fist if the enemy gets too close.


Forge Brethren

These marines used the TDA to carry out repairs on the decks where deadly energy was greatest. On the battlefield, they often form a retinue protecting the invaluable archivist. They are generally armed with the same hammers they use whilst smithing in the plasma and promethium fuelled forge onboard the ship.


Argyllian Riders

Cornubbia is home to many beasts all seemingly related to the great squiggoth. Some breeds are kept by the Cornubbians as cattle, whilst smaller more docile breeds are kept as pets. Larger and more viscous breeds are used as transport, ridden like the equines of ancient terra. In hope of replacing the manoeuvrability lost with the destruction of the assault squads and motorcycles, specimens were taken back to the battle barge. Of the tiny squiggoths captured, two destroyed each other in transit, one broke free on ship and had to be put down and two rejected the implants used by the techmarines, this left just six remaining. Controlled with biomechanical inputs, their already tough hides are bolstered by ceramite armour. Saddles incorporating two holy botlers adorn each beast allowing two power armoured marines to ride into battle. No where near as reliable as the bikes they hope to replace, those skilled enough to control the beasts they have dual roles: either transporting the Master of the Blades’ command squad into battle, allowing the apothecary, standard bearer, champion and communication expert to keep pace with the iron steed, or, in place of attack bikes in the codex army, their brethren using a heavy weapon from the rear of the saddle to destroy enemy heretech.



Always outnumbered never outgunned. Chaplain and his elite cadre of penitents, as yet unsuccessful in giving their lives for the imperium, lead the charge with the pick of chapter’s mêlée weapons. The argyllian riders that accompany the mounted Artificer are adept at taking out enemy armour whilst the heavy weapons fielded by the rest of the force pound the enemies lines. The Pilgrims prefer to keep their distance and make great use of heavy armour and artillery in order to minimise casualties.




I'm considering dropping the entire organisations and divergence section as it is solely a list of justifications for modelling ideas, I like the idea of at least some of my units having their own background, but I worry it might just seem to be a bit "Hey look at our toys" despite the fact they are only trying to make up for their shortcomings. I'm sorry for any excessive use of commas, it's a habit I need to get out of.


I know I’ve made a few rookie error and obvious clichés: "Lost" in the warp, close admech ties, near destruction, etc. but I hope I have used them in an interesting way. Thanks in advance, Pilgrim Argyllian.

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I'm considering dropping the entire organisations and divergence section as it is solely a list of justifications for modelling ideas, I like the idea of at least some of my units having their own background, but I worry it might just seem to be a bit "Hey look at our toys" despite the fact they are only trying to make up for their shortcomings.

Well, this article is more story-based with focus on "right now". While there is nothing wrong with it, most IAs are more of essay and timeless, if you catch my drift.


I know I’ve made a few rookie error and obvious clichés: "Lost" in the warp, close admech ties, near destruction, etc. but I hope I have used them in an interesting way. Thanks in advance, Pilgrim Argyllian.

It's not that these things are clichés, it's just that these things are easy way out without any painful brainstorming. I'm not saying that this is the case, but you should tell, whenever these things are integral part of the Chapter or just additional luggage.

You are right, this is more of a story than an IA. I guess its because these most recent events are so defining for the chapter. I'm not sure if this is a good or a bad thing but a little variety never hurt anybody I suppose.


With regards to the often used plot elements, the admech being a big part is integral. The basic concept for the chapter was: Army lead by techmarines. The warp travel and near destruction are just tools to get them way out into the deep reaches of space and to off most of the HQ so the techmarines (who I know normally wouldn't be afforded very much power) would be given the opportunity to lead. I couldn't think of any reason a chapter not in dire straits would give overall command to these fellows, who are by most accounts,held with some degree of suspicion. I have to admit, I don't hate the warp travel and destruction bit and if I weren't aware of how widely used they were I wouldn't have much of a problem. I'll try and think of another plot device to use.


Other than that, any comments? Did I clear up your questions from my first post?


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