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After running him a couple of times in mech and combo lists I have to say he's well worth the extra points. The extra wound, 2+ fnp and higher initiative makes him much more survivable compared to regular priest. The constant S5 rending attacks gives the small RB assault squads a bit more bite in CC, very important since they usually need to survive more than one round of combat due to the overall low number of attacks. The reroll can be a lifesaver, just hold on to it until the odds are on your side. Don't waste it on a to hit roll, save it for an important save, damage table result or game extension.


Do you guys find him useful or would you rather just spend the points on an extra attack bike or a bunch of unit upgrades?

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I would say he seems worth his points on paper. I haven't ran him, but I am working on a DoA army. I can see him as being very helpful, but I would try sticking him into a 9 man squad in a rhino or a larger squad in a land raider. I've had way too much bad luck with 5 man squads so I prefer 10 if possible. He appears to be a support in CC and able to hold his own big time. I don't see why people wouldn't take him in a footslogging/mech squad.
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alongside an eight-man Sternguard Squad and Captain Tycho in a Drop Pod

I've ram him like this a few times, he's a good addition, the reroll can be a life saver if used at just the right time.

His better stats are nice too, he's easily worth his points, thats for sure.

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I used him in a tournament today. 1 round he did great. Another, well, we won't discuss that one. In the third he didn't do much due to Death Company killing everything before he got to it.


I kept forgetting his reroll ability which was huge in 2 games.

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I kept forgetting his reroll ability which was huge in 2 games.


Tell me about it. I usually forget to roll for black rage too. I have to remind my opponent to remind me :)


I've found that it's easier to remember that reroll if you decide on a few specific things that it will be used for.

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Don't waste it on a to hit roll, save it for an important save, damage table result or game extension.


I think Corbulos re-roll doesn't cover the dice roll for game extension because that roll is not yours in game terms. But I can agree with you on the other points of your post. I like Corbulo and think he can be a valid choice as a CC supporting character for your footslogging assault marines or sternguard veterans.




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That seems to be a highly contentious issue that the INAT faq has ruled against (incorrectly too, I may add).


The two rules work perfectly hand in hand. It's just that theres this "feeling" that it shouldnt be workable that way.


Corb's rule:


"Corbulo allows you a single re-roll once per game. This can be any roll you have made..."


SRB rule (pg 90):


"At the end of game turn 5, a player must roll a dice"



Therefore if the Corbulo player rolls, its all good.


However, your opponent has the right to request he roll the dice too.

In this event, you have both players wanting to roll, and there being no clear definition on page 90 of who should roll.

As a result, we default to page 2 - the "Most Important Rule" and dice off to see who gets to roll for last turn.


While this may seem convoluted and over-complex its fully supported by the rules. Where as just saying that its not (like INAT has) has no basis in the rules.




To the OP - I love corbulo, and have vowed never to go without him to a tournament again. The reroll of his is the most incredible ability, and more often than not sway the tides of battle.

He also saves countless wounds by allowing me to place the first regular wound of every enemy shooting attack on him (since hes has only a 5% chance of failing).

Big up on the C man!

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Corbulo and Seth are the only characters I don't own.

I definately want Corbulo but he is hard to find on the shelves, I might have to order him in.

I'm still debating on whether or not I will use Seth. He will have to be renamed of course.

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