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Digital Weapons


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Just wondering if having digital weapons would allow for a reroll on the vehicle damage chart if I was attacking with a melta or Krak grenade? or do they only work with Standard CC weapons? or not against vehicles at all?


Cant see anything about them in the BRB

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QUOTE (Codex: Space Marines @ Pg.98)

A model armed with digital weapons can re-roll a single failed roll to wound in each Assult phase.

This is completely useless against vehicles.

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Dswanick is correct. To elucidate further: you do not roll to wound vehicles; you roll to penetrate them. Vehicles don't have wounds at all. :)
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Cant see anything about them in the BRB


That is because they aren't in the BRB, they are in C:SM and C:GK.


As the others have said, vehicles don't have wounds, and your roll to pen against them, not wound. Therefore, digi weapons are useless against them.

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Cheers guys worth asking, the chaplains re rolls to hit would work with grenades though right?


I believe so as it seems to be worded that the Chaplain lets the squad re-roll all failed attacks to hit in combat, so I'd imagine that extends to grenades.

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Cheers guys worth asking, the chaplains re rolls to hit would work with grenades though right?


I believe so as it seems to be worded that the Chaplain lets the squad re-roll all failed attacks to hit in combat, so I'd imagine that extends to grenades.

Yep, DG's on the money here. Chaplain and Preferred Enemy attack re-rolls work. Wound rerolls only work against things you're trying to wound. ;)

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I'm afraid Preferred Enemy doesn't work against vehicles without WS thade, so against Dreads it does work, but against Rhinos it's a no go.

I balked. I denied. I looked. And.


Nothing sucks more than discovering you were effectively cheating for the past year or more. >_<


Anyway, there it is. Chaplain, Yes. Pref Enem, no. Digital Weapons...no.

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I'm afraid Preferred Enemy doesn't work against vehicles without WS thade, so against Dreads it does work, but against Rhinos it's a no go.

I balked. I denied. I looked. And.


Nothing sucks more than discovering you were effectively cheating for the past year or more. >_<


Anyway, there it is. Chaplain, Yes. Pref Enem, no. Digital Weapons...no.


There's a difference between intentional an unintentional cheating. If you didn't know then that's cool, just don't do it again now that you know :).

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I'm afraid Preferred Enemy doesn't work against vehicles without WS thade, so against Dreads it does work, but against Rhinos it's a no go.

I balked. I denied. I looked. And.


Nothing sucks more than discovering you were effectively cheating for the past year or more. >_<


Anyway, there it is. Chaplain, Yes. Pref Enem, no. Digital Weapons...no.


There's a difference between intentional an unintentional cheating. If you didn't know then that's cool, just don't do it again now that you know :).

I agree - perform the Rite of Penitence and the Rite of Absolution, and just be glad you are not subject to the Rite of Chastisement, Brother.

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I agree - perform the Rite of Penitence and the Rite of Absolution, and just be glad you are not subject to the Rite of Chastisement, Brother.

My marines just got sent on a hundred year crusade. Party!!

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I agree - perform the Rite of Penitence and the Rite of Absolution, and just be glad you are not subject to the Rite of Chastisement, Brother.

My marines just got sent on a hundred year crusade. Party!!


Hundred year crusade? Easy, you got off lightly there mate :P. My Marines may come along just for the party :).

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