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Like the title says--are they worth taking? If so, how to arm them; lascannons all around, AC and heavy bolters, or a little of both?

They're not the most popular choice since they have to compete with Obliterators, and they're generally more expensive than their loyalist counterparts.


The most popular build is usually the combi-pred; Autocannon with Lascannon sponsons. Lascannons all around is too expensive, while the AC-HB combination is really overpriced (15 points more than the loyalist equivalent) and adds anti-infantry firepower, which Chaos armies usually have plenty of elsewhere in their list.

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They're just not very good for their cost and what they do. You want the extra shots for popping rhinos or anti-infantry? Well 4 autocannon havocs are 2-3x as good. You want Las for AV 14 busting? Well 3 oblits are about the same (if not cheaper) than a triple las pred and take at least 3 shots to kill, unlike the pred which can go down in one shot.
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For Chaos, the best Pred for value is the Auto/Las Pred, since the Las Pred is too expensive and the Dakka Pred's anti-inf role is probably already covered by much more effective things in your list.
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There is an older topic that you might want to look over as it goes into pretty good detail about the pros/cons of each choice.



Long story short, Predators save you some points and get you more tank busting weapons on the able but Obliterators are more flexible and mobile. Durability is roughly the same.

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Well I've lately been using the dakka pred against orks, nids, and deamons. It works pretty well. Most of the time my opponents give it a low priority and don't really shoot at it. The anti-tank preds (AC&LC) for me have been always a unit to make my opponent think twice about moving in it's range of fire. Its also a good screener for rhinos too when u have very little cover
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