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I Want to See Battle Scenes!


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I like a good battle scene. I find you get a better sense of how the models look, and an opportunity to see them in context, if you will.


But they're a pain to find, and not as common as I would like.


So if anyone has any neat pictures of their marines in action, I'd love it if you could post them here for me. I promise to clap my hands in delight, if that'll help. :whistling:

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Are you looking for something like the models on the table top as people play?


I recently posted a few shots of a battle between my Imperial Fists and my Brothers Death Guard in the Hall of Honor just to show off the marines I painted and those of my brothers. Scroll half way down the post to see them.


Click Here



If thats not what you are looking for then please ignore this.

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I have some serious batttle pics.....sorry for not finished paintjob etc.

deployment (to show the scale of battle)







Sorry, theese are awful, but..... the voices in my head forced me to show this stuff

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Ładna rozpierducha się szykuje :D




Although I'm sure some of our non-english background members will be able to understand the above, I would like to remind all that the B&C is an english speaking board. We understand that the background of the members will be varied and diverse, but let us all use english as a common language please.

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Here's some pics from a recent game I played. 2 vs 2 with 2,000 points each = 4,000 points per side. Have you noticed that when you are paired with IG in a 4,000 points per side battle... with spearhead scenario... it is tough to fit all the models into the deployment zone?





Vindicator about to wreak havoc on some traitor space wolves:



Hiding from dark lances... The Typhoon obviously wasn't there much longer. I like how the dark lances can pick out that vindi at the far end of the battle:




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Those're neat, Cambrius. But why so much black and white? You've got all those pretty-colored minis!


Because some weren't painted so the black and white hid that fact. :tu: I;ll see if I can rustle up some more form the Kaotica (the GW club I'm in) archives.



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Very nice! Is that big pic on the wall a commission or some GW artwork (the Marine, not the Guardsman)?






I suspected as much. :lol:


Oh yeah, both of them are actually printed screenshots from the 40k video game. You can get them on certain internet auction sites by searching "warhammer poster". I just searched and my poster is one of the first ones on the list.



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here is a crappy shot from our local cities of death league. Sadly, none of my stuff in the photo, but you can see a bunch of Master Melta's Dreadnoughts in action. I'll try to get some better photos this week, and definitely at the tourney in August.

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A platoon of Ultramarines advances towards the front, eager to avenge the horror of Calth's invasion.




A brave Ultramarine shelters a civilian from the monstrous depredations of Word Bearer Legionnaires. (Word Bearer models kindly loaned by Lucifer216)




Staunch Ultramarines make a push back over the overrun defences of the Calthan IX.




Ambassador-Colonel Yosuph Vince consults Ultramarine recon specialists.




Imperial Fist veterans finally extinguish the embers of resistance to ensure the hard-fought Compliance of Hutini.




Fighting rages over the Palace.




Urban combat over Terra.




Brother Nabonaddon guns down a hapless Ultramarine

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Yeah, but I'm looking for ones on the B&C. I like seeing what other people round these parts have come up with.


And I could stage my own, it's true. But A ) I already know what my army looks like, and B ) I'd have to get around to finishing painting them. I'm hoping to have some nice battle photos done in the next few weeks. Hopefully people will like them...

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