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whats a good loadout for chosen CSM


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okay later next month im building 5 chosen marines, im trying to load them with the right extra wargear,

this is loadout i came up with



x4 power fists

mark of khorne or tzeentch



is it any good, im thinking of dropping 2 of the fists, help please?

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Chosen for the most part aren't very good. They're far too expensive for what they do. About the only loadout people use that I see is 4-5 meltaguns or plasma guns, but never mix the two. They usually deploy those via outflanking. Powerfist chosen just die far too quickly for how much they cost. If you brought along 5 guys in your chosen squad, 4 of which are power fists, your enemy will get to go first before your expensive fists and if they have many guys or any power weapons they'll murder most of your fists if not all of them. Close combat oriented chosen just aren't too great, trust me I wish it were otherwise but it's the truth.
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chosen are hard to fit in to a chaos army . they are also rather meh as a unit . If someone does run them it is 5 dudes 5 specials [melta or flamer] +rhino .


making them a hth unit is bad. one could try to run 8-10 dudes with a champ with fist squad power weapon and 2 mm as a sort of an upgraded csm unit . But A hth wise it is worse then a zerker unit and B being non scoring makes it worse then zerkers [again] and csm .

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