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Word Bearer Discords


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Just wondering if anyone has tried modelling a Discord as descirbed in the Word Bearers series? I really like the idea of them but since the descriptions are pretty vague I'm a bit stumped as to how to go about it, so i thought I'd just see if i could get some inspiration form other's work.
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That'd be something cool to get in the next codex. I'd like to see them work like GK servo skulls, but in reverse so they mess up opponent deepstrikes and debuff leadership or something. To get rid of them, you have to go within a certain distance and pass a leadership test.
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I always pictured them like those eyebot things from fallout 3, except more Chaos. No idea how you'd model that though. Maybe base them off sporemines/servo skulls?
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Yeah, a floating speaker with tentacles is a pretty vague starting point, however as Drudge Dreadnought suggests units like this would really start to show the difference between chaotic and loyalist astartes if included in any future codex.


speaking of which what other "new units" would people like to see to add to the character of their force?

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