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Omaha Bugeater GT

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Well, here's the lowdown. My 1850 tourny list was as follows...

HQ Seth

Elite SHP with Infernus Pistol

Heavy Rifleman Dread 2x TL Autocannons

Drop pod

Heavy Dakka Pred Destructor

Heavy Stormraven Extra Armor, TLMM, TLAC, Hurricane sponsons

Fast 2x Landspeeder Typhoons

Troop 5 Death Company, no upgrades

Troop Death Company Dread Heavy Flamer, Bloodtalons

Troop 10 man Tac Plasma Gun Lascannon


Troop 9 man RAS Powerfist, Meltagun


Troop 10 RAS Thunderhammer, 2x Flamer



Seems unorthodox, not power-stacked, or an internet list. But it's built to be balanced and address everything.

Immediate weakness' Land Raiders, AV 14 in general

2 day tourny, up for thurs-friday finishing painting, and drinking JD with friends for a birthday. This is important, cause day 1, no sleep and hangover, I had fun and did good. Day 2, well rested, sober, clean shaven, and had a miserable time.

Bad Batrep time

All games used Killpoints, objectives, and tablecorners. Each mission switched the value of which was primary, secondary, tretiary. Very cool games, I suggest it for everyone.

Game 1 Vs Space Wolves. Ragnar landraider psyker drop pod type list.

We traded blows whole game, drew on all 3. Came down to victory points. Difference of 535-610 loss for me. Incident of intrest, 4 rounds of missed twin linked Multi-melta shots on the land raider, and an assault at the end by me into dudes in a building, on an objective, holding a table corner. Well, shooting phase I fired the Deathcompany dreads heavy flamer instead of fleeting, and this is my mistake. I accept it. In the assault, last turn of game, my marines came in right side, just caught their lead guy with the 6 inch move. They were tucked well into some building, and he didn't want to fiddle them out for me, just said everyone was in both sides. Cool. DC dread comes in 6, and is 2 millimeters short of base contact. He took a piss on this and said he can't get in the fight. First tourny, first game, I didn't pick a fight on it. I'm actually not competitive enough to care during. I didn't clean em out with the ras, so game ends, he gets the win. Fun game at first, I like games where we just kill alot of each others stuff, regardless of who wins. I think the dread woulda cleaned the squad out, giving me the objective with the ras, table corner, and drawwing KPs. And he is the only guy that dings me on sportsmanship. Dunno why, Whatever.

Game 2

Played a Marine player.

Very cool guy, whole army of old Rogue trader era marines, landspeeders, etc. Bad game. I just, beat him up. Don't worry, Murphy's Law gets me back in day 2 for this game and game 3.

Game 3 Chaos Dual Lash Dual Defiler army

This player was REALLY cool. Good guy, loved talking to and playing him. And that's rough for me, cause I'm anti-social (string of profanity I'll censor for the boards). First 12 years of 40k was spent with same 4 friends. Year and a half, 2 years ago, started playing new people at the Game Shoppe. And anxiety issues with strangers (I'm a bouncer, most want to stab or hit me) made this REALLY tough to do.

Ohhhh I'm scared. Anyone else note the EXTREME lack of a Librarian in my list?

Well, he's kinda questioning my judgement of using a Rifleman dread in a drop pod pre-game. Uhh turn 1 he explodes a defiler, turn 2 immobs the other back of his deployment behind buildings neutering it for the match. Turn 3 takes 1 Demon Princes face off. Turn 4-6 locked in CC with the 2nd DP till he died.

Took a decent victory here. 1st day 2-1, with 2 really cool opponents.

Day 2

Sober, well rested. Now the pain starts.


Game 4 Tyranid big bug list. Player was....unentertaining I guess the word is? I didn't give him a good game by my standards.

Never played nids before, just know what genestealers do. None of which he had. I out deployed, out manuevered, set a trap, ambush which he came into, drew his WHOLE army outta cover into my killing box.

Total loss for me. Couldn't hit anything with shooting. My dice had enough. My foot bumped the latch to my big GW carrying case, snapping it off, I set a single sheet of paper on the empty flying base of my immobilised Landspeeder, and by the end of the game the burden snapped the bottom, AND top peg off some how. And some of my dice went MIA. Murphy's Law.


Game 5 2x Stormraven Blood Angel player. AWESOME PLAYER! Very cool guy to talk to.

Both of us were frustrated, and messed around this game. Again, I didn't give him a good game.

Dawn of War, He's goin 1st. My army is a shoot you alot, draw you in mid field, then counter assault. His is I punch your face hard, fast, and alot. He deploys straight midfield placing me 6 inches in. Couldn't see a thing on my turn with night fight. Rifleman drops in behind a stormraven. Shooting fails, but he got Red thirst, so he charges and attempts to drop kick it outta the sky. Hits, rolls a 4 for str +7, nothing. He then sits in CC with 4 THammernators the rest of the game who can't kill his amazing.

Turn 2. Malus' face vs his fist. Well, my face put up a good fight, and his knuckles took a beating. Just as I beat 1 fist down with my cro-magnum brow, he presents a second one. Fun player, I just got trumped by match up and mission. I ENJOYED losing this game!!! This is in my opinion my only legit loss. The Bug and SW games were.....sketchy.


Game 6. Played an Eldar player. That's a stretch...... what happened was I'm burned out, not having fun, tired. Evidently, this cool dude felt the same. So I conceded to make his 1-4 a 2-4 since I got my 2 already. And we sat and BS'd the whole time.

The other guys say I woulda done very bad things to him and ended it by turn 3-4. I'll find out later this week now that were friends, and haven't had a horrendous day.

Wish I didn't forget my camera, sitting next to me on the charger as I write this. And I'll have pics of my full painted, converted, and wholly good looking Flesh Tearers up soon.

In regards to the over all tourny, I don't think it could have been organised better. Only thing was for one prize it was 50 points towards total score based off mission points, and 30 painting, 20 sportsmanship. This was supposed to be for the all around winner. It simply meant the 5-1 guys got it. It's gonna be balance 33, 33, 33 towards this next year. Fun time while hungover, rough sober and well rested.

And I promise legit BATREPS next time with photos! Officially 2-4, Unofficially 3-3, technically, I SHOULD be 4-2, or 5-1. Not bad for my first ever tourny. I expected 0-6 to be honest.

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Nice reports, thanks for posting, you dd pretty well for a first tourney!


One thing:

Rifleman drops in behind a stormraven. Shooting fails, but he got Red thirst, so he charges and attempts to drop kick it outta the sky


You cannot charge on the turn the pod arrives, unless you are using the special forge world rules and pods. The rules for this can be found in the drop pod section of the codex.

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