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Thousand Sons Fellowships


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for several years I'm following the path of the Thousand Sons. The book "A Thousand Sons" is really great.


What do you think about the fellowships described in the book?


Do you think that there are "only" 9 captains for the legion consisting of per 1000 Space Marines? (So the legion will constist of more or less 9000 Space Marines)?


My personal opinion:


The Legion consisted of more or less 72900 Thousand Sons.


The 72900 Thousand Sons are divided into the 9 Fellowships.


Every Fellowship consisted of 8100 TS with one Magister Templi (the "First Captain of the Fellowship"), see page 56 "A Thousand Sons" and 8 Captains of the Brotherhoods.


So every Brotherhood consisted of 900 TS.



What do you think about that?



And sorry for my bad english...;-) Reading is much less complex than writing correct sentences.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If we take A Thousand Sons as an accurate source for the legions numbers it seems to point to the smaller estimates. Page 42 of my copy mentioned the loss of 800 some marines causing a fellowship to be disbanded and right at the beginning of chapter 6 five full fellowships are gathered together, numbering about 6,000 marines.


About halfway through the book and really enjoying it.

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