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Finished my gamin table


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Kids, work and too many hobbies leaves very little time for painting so its nothing short of a miracle that I have actually finished not only my Imperial Fists army ( http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...&hl=sponsra ) but a complete gaming table with terrain and all (this here, now painted: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...&hl=sponsra ).
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And now pics:



First: The door



And the whole table



The objectives and a termie for scale



And the crater, wich is replaceable with a flat piece of ground


Thank you, as I mentioned in the first post I have precious little time, so I´ve made just enough terrain pieces to be able to game. They can of course be distributed over the table more evenly. And yes; one or two more would be nice. I´m thinking a ruin and some rubble defenselines with tires and concrete. But thata all in the furture.


Quite fond of your art as well, I checked out your site :rolleyes:


That warms my heart, especially since my site is in swedish so I asume that your judgment is from pictures only ...


Edit: I see now that you too are from Sweden. Hej!

These were impressive in bare foam, painted they look amazing, good job!


Also, I think you've got a reasonable amount of big terrain pieces there, maybe all you need are a few more little bits, e.g. low walls, barricades, etc so the table looks less empty?


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