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Deepstrike via friendly player's teleport homer

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Its more of an agreement between players ahead of time thing. There are no official rules for team games. Most tournaments that I have attended would say no benefiting from your teammate's stuff, as it can get too broken otherwise.
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Most tournaments that I have attended would say no benefiting from your teammate's stuff, as it can get too broken otherwise.

Yep, this is the standard that I've run across.

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In a friendly game it can work if the wording of your Teleport Homer is sufficiently broad- ie, "friendly units". The Grey Knight Teleport Homer is not one of these- it specifically defines which GK units can use it, and it isn't even every teleporting GK unit in the codex (it excludes Dreadknights.)


However, the Grey Knights' Servo Skulls specifically say "friendly" units may gain their benefits.

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I remember a couple years ago when this question showed up in an FAQ (I forget which one), and the ruling sided with an army only being able to benefit from its own gear and abilities. Which makes sense, seeing as how if you did not pay for it, you should not be able to benefit from it.




*editted for grammar.

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Q: Am I able to gain the benefits of any of my

opponent’s wargear or special rules, such as Teleport

Homers, Chaos Icons, Tyranid Synapse, Necron

Resurrection Orbs etc?

A: In most occasions this is clear, as the rules use the

words ‘friendly’ or ‘own’ to indicate your units, and

‘enemy’ for the opponent’s. On the other hand, some

rules clearly specify that they affect ‘friend and foe’. A

few rules are, however, slightly ambiguous as they

don’t clearly specify this distinction. As a general

principle, we recommend that you cannot use or gain

the benefits from any of the wargear or special rules of

your opponent’s army, unless specifically stated in the

rule itself (‘friend or foe’) or in an official FAQ.


Talks about the interaction of your items and an opponent.

There isn't a clear ruling for team play, this has to be house-ruled.

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I have run a lot of Apocalypse games for my son and friends, and one of our house rules is that no power can translate between armies, even similar ones.

It gets too confusing, and can lead to hideous abuses. Markerlights from Tau improving Ork rates of fire? Tyranid Old Adversary giving Preferred Enemy to Hammernators?

I don't even allow one Ultramarine player to benefit from a different Ultramarine players buffs.

Similarly, friendly units from different armies cannot enter alien transports. Land Raider full of Genestealers?


Obviously this doesn't rule out gadgets and rules that apply to BOTH sides under normal conditions.


On the other hand, 2x2 is a home rule scenario anyway, so discuss it with your buddies, and agree on your own set! Just as fun, and more personal! Come back and tell us what you did and how it went.

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Pretty much, allowing shared stuff just gets way to broken way to fast.


Faetweaver/Farseer(though I believe fortune states Eldar) + TH/SS termies + sanguinary priest...

Ork KFF + Shrouding




Similarly, friendly units from different armies cannot enter alien transports. Land Raider full of Genestealers?


I've actually seen Ork Stompa full of Genestealers in an apoc game.

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Pretty much, allowing shared stuff just gets way to broken way to fast.


Faetweaver/Farseer(though I believe fortune states Eldar) + TH/SS termies + sanguinary priest...

Ork KFF + Shrouding


Ahriman as a "friendly psyker" walking with two Wraithlords in tow. Yea.

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Markerlights from Tau improving Ork rates of fire? Tyranid Old Adversary giving Preferred Enemy to Hammernators?
These can only happen if you break the rules in the first place. Markerlights specifically says only Tau units may use them, and Old Adversary specifically says only Tyranid units may use it. No need to houserule that...
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