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Stormraven Gunship

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Hey everyone, didn't have to go hunting through the forum for an answer so I'll just ask.


On page 71 of the rulebook, skimmers are on the ground, unless moving. Does this count for shooting? So, if a Stormraven were to move, during the shooting phase it would be on the ground?


If anyone could give some clarification to Skimmers moving and shooting, due to the stipulation that unless a skimmer is moving, it's on the ground, that would be great.

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You've misread it. All it's talking about is that you can't leave the base in mid-air, the base must be on the table. The skimmer will be wherever it is being on the flying stand. Page 71 later says that you the skimmer must always be on the flying stand unless it is immobile or wrecked, so as long as it is neither it will be in the air when the shooting phase comes around, and that's the position you use it for shooting etc.
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It's never on the ground except when it's removed from its base, which it cannot do unless immobilized or destroyed.


...or it's a Tau skimmer with landing gear.

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