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My Deathwatch Flesh Tearer Apothecary

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It was fun to build this guy and not have to worry about it being table-top legal. I tried to stay pretty close to the official DW color scheme: Blacked out everything, plain steel decoration, minimal chapter trappings. I figure his helmet is special because it's actually a diagnosticator helm, and the little blood drops are actually healing salves. I also made all his vials plain steel, since glass seems kind of exposed.

Oh, and the weapon he's armed with is an eviscerator ported over from Blood of Martyrs to Deathwatch...very mean in the hands of a frenzied, flesh rending, furious assaulting beast with a brutal WS.


Hope you like him!






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The nice thing about pics is that you can scroll right past the boring text if you want!

Glad you like him. I don't have any more like him, he's the only character I'm playing in our Deathwatch campaign. If he dies (again...), I will probably model a new one for whatever character I end up playing.

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I was just kidding about the explanation. I feel that the model should justify itself without you having to say why you choose everything beside how cool it looks. And hate to sound mean but I hope he dies some more so we can see some more great models.!
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Beef, Scipio, Roone3y: Thanks dudes!

Arne: Well, he's YOUR fault. I saw your army on these boards and decided that I needed to model a flesh tearer...so thanks!

Olgerth: Yeah, I agree, it's awkward. I liked that arm, but didn't have the bits around for a mechanical hand, so I kept the straight chainsword grip on it, which I think is making it look weird...anyone got a spare left bionic hand?

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I've actually built a bolter guy with that same bionic arm, holding a bolter and pointing it straight forward.


The key is to 1) point the arm straight forward as opposed to slightly raised and 2) shave off a little bit from the hand and a little bit from the bolter's underside, and the bolter ends up aligned with the arm. Slap on a purity seal or something similar to disguise the shaving.

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