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I've Fallen From Grace


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Well I have decided to start on a new army since I completed my Crimson Fists and took me a short break to play another game that shall not be mentioned here. So I am looking back into when I first started playing 40k (back in 3rd edt) when I had a horribly collect, built, and painted Iron Warriors army and I am now dedicated to redoing that army. Now I know that Chaos has an old codex and is plagued with problems but I’ll be honest I like a challenge, it makes the win so much better when you get it. So that’s enough rambling out of me and I look forward to meeting all my new Chaotic Brothers!




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That's how Jeske says hello, by the way....


Welcome back to the embrace of the True Gods, Phlegon. They knew you couldn't stay a loyal dog forever. ^_^ Any chance of a WIP thread for your Iron Warriors? I'd love to see 'em in process. Again, Welcome!

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Yeah I'm going to get a WiP going soon. This is going to be a slow process (got my third son due in August). Right now I'm working on a termie kill team to play (my LGS has an 8x4 kill team board). So I will be using these guys to work out the kinks of my paint scheme. Thanks to all for the warm welcome (much better than the one I got as a loyalist ;) )



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Take all the time you need, man. I got 4 kiddos myself, I know where you're coming from, lol.


Hey, you're a Tarheel too? No wonder you returned to Chaos, this state corrupts people... ;)

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