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Using a group of Land Raiders


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Hi guys, I'm new to the hobby, and the Blood Angels have caught my eye, alongside the awesome Land Raider kit. I know it can be used as a transport for many things, and I'd like to field as many as I can, my question is, what sorts of other units should I use to back them up? I know just spamming Land Raiders would have glaring weaknesses (melta, etc). How about taking cheap Predators to provide extra target saturation, or assault units in Storm Ravens? Would either of these work? Something like several small Assault Squads in Land Raiders and Baals/normal Predators for extra tank hulls? I'd love to hear some thoughts on this. ;)
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Welcome to the B+C and the Blood Angels!


I don't think adding Predators helps Land Raiders all that much. Preds are scary, but not as scary.


I suggest Vindicators instead.


At least 1 Land Raider should carry a really scary assault unit, like assault terminators or Death Company or a tooled up Vanguard/Honor Guard.

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Welcome to the B+C and the Blood Angels!


I don't think adding Predators helps Land Raiders all that much. Preds are scary, but not as scary.


I suggest Vindicators instead.


At least 1 Land Raider should carry a really scary assault unit, like assault terminators or Death Company or a tooled up Vanguard/Honor Guard.


Thanks for the welcome! :P Would normal assault squads (ten man) in Land Raiders, then Assault Terminators in Storm Ravens, work well?

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Land raiders crusader/redeemers with assault termies, libbys and priests are good. Make sure you have a mix of all the land raider types as they all fill different roles . Maybe drop podding dreads as a distraction. Especially DC ones as they wouldn't take up termie or priest slots. ALSo if they deepstriked then they could take out the main threats to the land raiders, like MM attack bikes, fire dragons, etc...


Those are just some thoughts i had.

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If I had Terminators and a bunch of Land Raiders, I'd have a fairly low model count. How much of an issue would this be? Quality over quantity? I'd love to run just Land Raiders and Storm Ravens, to be honest :P I do love the models.
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You'd be running a small elite army as opposed to an army with a large amount of units. That isn't necessarily a bad thing but it does make it tougher on you to play. Blood Angels can run small elite armies as well as anyone else in the game. It should really only effect you in very high end tournament play. Casual/league/local tournament play small elite armies will do fine in. They're just a bit tougher to run.
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i just did some quick math hammer in my hand and i think you can get 2 assault squads in raiders, and 2 squads of assault terminators in storm ravens. 2 priests and some kind of hq. sounds like it could really be fun actually lol. fits right around 2000 but could be off doing the math in my head as my codex is down stairs lol
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If you're going to be running Land Raiders, you're going to be VERY tight on points. They are expensive, expensive models and that means you are going to have to cut all kinds of corners. You will also need to be careful of Meltaguns, which are all over the place these days; it is entirely possible that you will simply lose a tank to some Guardsmen driving up and ending your day.


Never use basic (Phobos/Godhammer) Land Raiders. They're terrible tanks and don't really do anything well. The have a Heavy Bolter instead of an Assault Cannon and no option to take a Multimelta, plus they also have a smaller transport capacity than the other variants.


Redeemers are the cheapest, but only by a small margin. Their template is brutal, but it forces you to keep in right next to the enemy where Melta will be most effective on you, and it also makes it difficult to use both sponson guns effectively. (PotMS does let you split fire, but only if you move 6" or less and only if you don't care about wasting the Multimelta and Assault Cannon.) They are reasonable choices if you play lots of bad players with foot armies.


Crusaders are the "default" choice, packaged with a Multimelta to help break armor and Extra Armor so they can do their job. (EA can be dropped in some circumstances, but never the MM.) Even after getting immobilized, the Crusader can still put out a lot of damage, which is another thing distinguishing it from the Redeemer. Don't underestimate what a hail of Bolter shots will do to most targets, as even Marines and Terminators fail saves.


As for your "payload," Terminators are the normal choice, but that is in armies that intend to go all-in with assault forces. You can do this, but with no fire support to back it up (because you're running all Land Raiders), you're going to have trouble. Instead, consider running some cheaper payloads and just playing stand-off, holding objectives and relying on your heavy armor to protect you against enemy shooting until you can Tank Shock onto their objectives last turn and take the game (or deliver your payload to an appropriately vulnerable target.) Dark Eldar and Tau will give you fits, but that is inevitable with any Land Raider-based list.


You also need guns to back you up. For this, Predators are pretty much your only choice, as their AV13 is the closest you can get to the Land Raider. (You don't want to mix low and high armor values because that gives the enemy an easy target for their missiles/autocannons/etc that are otherwise wasted on the Raiders.) Autolas is probably your best choice, since it can move 6" with the Crusaders and back them up while using two or three of its own guns, depending on position.


So I would recommend something like this


1745 Blood Angels

1 Librarian (Shield, Unleash)

1 Librarian (Shield, Unleash)

1 Sanguinary Priest

10 Assault Marines (2 Meltagun, Weapon; Land Raider Crusader w/MM)

10 Assault Marines (2 Meltagun, Weapon; Land Raider Crusader w/MM)

5 Assault Marines (Land Raider Crusader w/MM)

1 Predator (Las Sponsons)

1 Predator (Las Sponsons)


If you're desperate to do a Land Raiders-and-only-them gimmick, you could drop the two Predators and split one of the ASM squads down to a pair of 5mans, adding another Crusader (or maybe a Redeemer, to add a bit of killy) to the list. That devalues the Librarians, though, so probably drop one of them and maybe trade the partial ASM for Death Company instead.

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Thanks! That was an interesting read. I completely agree with you on the Crusaders, plus they are the nicest looking of the variants (my own subjective opinion). What I was really thinking of doing was taking Astaroth, putting him in a Stormraven (with something, maybe an Honour Guard, or JP Death Company), then taking pure Death Company, all in Land Raider Crusaders. Mad and won't even win objective games, but I think it would look awesome.
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