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important question about necrons

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Hi! the question is quite simple but also difficult to answer, A monolit can teleport an necron lord that is death to re-roll the we´ll be back? I think that is not possible but I´m not sure. In fact a friend used it in that way and I had to kill the same looner lord 7 times!! (yes he was killed every turn :) )
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I admit that I don't understand this post. Are you asking if a Monolith's teleport ability is able to beam a downed Lord to it before it resurrects? I believe it cannot do this.
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From what I know about Necrons, after WBB rolls the Monolith can use its portal to allow those models that failed WBB to try again. However, that unit must then deploy up to 2" away from the portal in the same manner as a transport vehicle. I'd imagine this extends to the Necron Lord, and is another reason why I hate Monoliths. The first time my Orbital Bombardment hits it got 21 hits, killing around 16. Only 1 stayed down after the combination of Res Orb, WBB and Monolith Portal. But then my Honour Guard munched them so I got the last laugh :).
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Sorry If the post was not clear enough what I mean is if a looner necron lord can use a monolith to be teleported when he is death. I´m not sure because he is alone so there is no unit to teleport (WBB is roll at the begining of the turn and If you fail the model is "removed")


But I know is a bit confusing but try to understand me please

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I think he means that the necron lord is alone i.e not part of a squad. It dies, fails it's wbb roll but instead of being removed from the table the guy then uses a monolith power to teleport it to the monolith power and reroll the wbb roll? I think that is the gist of it but I have never read the necron codex so couldn't tell you for sure, and so have no opinion on the ruling.
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Hey Fath,


The Necron lord is unique to the "We'll be back" rule. In general a Necron needs a similar unit of the same type within 6" of itself or one of its squad members to get a WBB. This is not the case for the Necron Lord. As long as the Lord can take a WBB, they can always take a WBB regardless of if it is on its own or not. That being said, if the Lord fails its WBB, it can then be teleported through the Monolith portal to re-roll the WBB as long as it is within 18" of any part of the Monolith.


Sorry Fath, your friend was playing correctly. You do not need a Rez Orb or Phylactry to have this happen. You would only need a Rez Orb if the attack that took the Lord down was a power weapon, double str, or anything else that does not allow a WBB.

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The same question could be made with any other unit that is completly destroyed and none is repaired.


What make me think is not possible is that the WBB is rolled at the begining of the turn and if you fail the model is removed so in the movement phase that model is not on the table and of course not at 18´of the monolith. That is what I think about it

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Hey Again Fath,


Interesting. Ok I was wrong. Sorry guys.


The subtext of the Monolith portal says this, "If there are no eligible reserves, and a Necron unit (list of Necrons) and any Necron Lord that has joined such a unit is at least partially within 18" of the Monolith, they may phase out and re-emerge from the portal. Any models in the unit that although eligible to self-repair, failed their "We'll be back" roll at the start of the turn and were removed, may re-roll once as they emerge from the portal. If you intend to use the portal in this way during a turn then leave models that failed to self-repair on their sides until the end of the Movement phase." From this I would say the Lord cannot teleport solo. Honest mistake, I've played Crons for a while now and thought I knew this back and front. First time I realized that Necron Lord is not specifically listed as available to teleport.


To sum up. Lord cannot teleport solo. If he was in a squad he could roll twice.


The Phylactery : If a Necron Lord is eligible for a WBB, it comes back to life with 1 wound on a 4, 2 wounds on a 5, and 3 wounds on a 6. If the Lord does not have a Phylactery, it always comes back with one wound left.

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Yeah. He was doing it wrong. Like I said though, I was wrong too. If you had been playing against me I would have done the same, until I looked at the rule again in detail. Lucky for him that he rolled so well for so long though. :-p
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oh! so finally it can´t? you are right you just can´t teleport a loner lone lord.

"Loner" is the noun; "lone" is the adjective. (Like "The Lone Ranger.")


<3 Happy to help. ^_^ Kill more Necrons!


EDIT: I don't mean to be a jerk re: English but I had offered the correct word before and was worried I'd been confusing. Sorry. ;)

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yeah the lord must be with a squad eligible for teleportation, also he must be eligible for the WBB roll in order to be granted a re-roll by the portal.. if someone kills him with power weapons and he doesnt have a res orb, or runs him down during assault.. theres no helping him
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I would argue that a Necron Lord as a unit is eligible-


1) hes a unit.

2) hes got the necron rule.

3) Id be hard pressed to say hes not part of his own unit.

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