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important question about necrons

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I would argue that a Necron Lord as a unit is eligible-


1) hes a unit.

2) hes got the necron rule.

3) Id be hard pressed to say hes not part of his own unit.



Actually the specific monolith portal rule says this:

if there are no eligible reserves, and a necron unit (secifically warriors, immortals, flayed ones, destroyers, heavy destroyers or wraiths) and any necron lord that has joined such a unit is at least partially within 18" of the monolith, they may phase out and re-emerge from the portal. any models in that unit that, although eligible to self repair, failed thier WBB roll at the start of the turn and were removed, may re-roll once as they emerge from the portal


the "necron" special rule merely allows the unit to use the WBB rule

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