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The Scions of Sanguinius Strike Force


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Long story short, I've decided to build a portion of a much larger force, mostly for Apocalypse but also for smaller games. The idea of building the "Scions of Sanguinius Strike Force" came from the last entry on page 17, the Blood Angels fighting it out for survival between Hive Fleet Leviathan and Ka'Banda seemed like a build that I couldn't pass up. I've been able to build a portion of it for the past month, but I've got a ton more conversions to go and about twenty five or so models to purchase before I'm satisfied.


Ultimately, I believe I'll be picking up another two sets of Sternguard, two sets of Death Company ( for the parts ), two Land Raiders, two vindicators, two whirlwinds and two Stormravens. I already own a majority of the models, cleaned and cleared of mold lines, awaiting construction and stored in individual bags. All said and done, I'll have about two hundred and sixty Blood Angels from the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 10th Companies with a few Successor Chapters, Flesh Tearers and Knights of Blood.


Only reason I'm able to afford this is because I've been selling my old armies off, plus it's only fitting that I come back to Blood Angels after so many years as they were my first Army.


Wish I could show some of my painted mini's on this site, but they're Xenos, but they'll probably sneak in from time to time with scale comparisons and stuff.






Got lucky with snagging two sets of the Blood Angel Terminators.








Only five of the Sternguard models will remain stock, the others are just there for record keeping. I'm going to convert and sculpt them into different poses. It shouldn't be to difficult given the ease of Finecast.








Below, I've got the rough idea for Squad names, going to give them different weapon load outs and histories. As to what Chapters they belong to, I'm still up in the air about that. I figure the chapters, while unified by their Primarch and unified call for the protection of Baal, probably wouldn't mix and match squads, so I'll probably do a majority of them from the Blood Angels and pick out a handful of squads to be Flesh Tearers and Knights of Blood. Out of those two, the Flesh Tearers will have the majority of the selected as the Knights of Blood are considered Renegade.


I've got a ton more research to do, I'd like to remain pretty faithful to the fluff, but at the exact same time. I'm going to add my own spin to things.


Any suggestions and ideas would be helpful and appreciated. I plan to stick this one out till it's completed.


30 Terminators


Squad Redemptor:


Squad Invictor:


Squad Avengor:


20 Death Company


20 Sanguinary Guard


1 Sanguinor


5 Sanguinary Priests


1 Reclusiarch


2 Chaplains


1 Epistory


2 Librarians


3 Techmarines


1 Captain


5 Honor Guard


3 Dreadnoughts


Dreadnaught Ionius:


Dreadnaught Adeon:


Dreadnaught Iscon:


20 Assault Marines


Assault Squad Furion:


Assault Squad Tristan:


60 Tactical Marines


Squad Gladius:


Squad Morpheus:


Squad Numitor:


Squad Remus:


Squad Bellarius:


Squad Cerimon:


20 Devastator Marines


Squad Danton:


Squad Darius:


20 Scouts


2 Land Raiders


8 Rhinos/Razorbacks


6 Drop Pods

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That's the name of the Strike Force, it's a joint union between 1st, 3rd, 5th and 10th Blood Angel Companies ( a couple squads taken from each ) along with Flesh Tearer and Knights of Blood successor allies. Formed in the defense of Baal from the Tyranids and Daemon incursion.


Though the more I think about it and dig through my bits box, I can probably go with three hundred Blood Angels easily.


I'll definitely do that though, epic mini fighty times for all to show off my other painted mini's.


Working on the Sanguinary Guard, I'll probably have a few shots of them up tomorrow, if not late tonight.

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I'm just lucky to get top dollar for my old miniatures.


Think I'll kit out the Sergeants with Combiflamers, so I can run three squads with Melta-Missile Launchers and the last three with Plasma Guns-Plasma Cannons.


Also going to magnetize the the Sanguinary Priests ( Got my shipment of magnets today, finally ) so they can either run with Jump Packs or footslog/stand back with the Plasma Weapons.


Still have to think of squad histories and what awards they've won.

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Honestly, I'm looking at a year, tops. I want to do these Blood Angels right and with all things, that requires time and patience.


I painted 40k worth of Orks ( mostly infantry ) in less than eight months, they were to table top standards and have won a few LGS awards for painting/theme. I'm still working on those on my spare time. Granted, I also borrowed a friends airbrush to do most of it.


I have some Bikes sitting in Simple Green, was thinking about some Speeders and Stormravens are definitely in, but I want to get these models situated and squared away first before I move on. I don't want to get bogged down with "Oh shiny" new model syndrome. I've got a ton to work with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really been busy with life lately, but that takes priority.


Dante Count As, haven't named him, yet.








Been working on all the bases, have a few coats of paint on some of them, but nothing really presentable. As for the Count As above, I'm still wondering what else I'll put on him, kind of drawing a blank, but at the exact same time, I don't want to clutter up the model with to many details. Have to know when to stop after all.


Picked up a dozen bikes and four attack bikes in a recent trade for some Chaos Sprues I had laying around, put those in the Green bath and have to wait a couple days to remove all the paint and dust since stored them out in the open in his garage.


Still haven't touched any of the vehicles for the motor pool, but I'll get to them shortly.


Busting my ass off on trying to make a cohesive list. I'll hopefully have that ready by my next post along with a few painted miniatures.

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Thank ye, it's definitely passion driven by insanity.


I picked up a Baal Predator today along with 25 Forgecraft Games Resin Bases ( Descent into Depths variant ) and Army Painter Pure Red.


If the weather holds, I'll be able to base half of the semi built miniatures I have thus far, keeping the arms, pauldrons and Bolters/Special/Heavy Weapons seperate for now.


My plan for each squad is to have one half giving covering fire while the other half move forward into cover. The half that I'm going to paint ( Torsos and Legs ) will be the covering fire mini's as they didn't require to much conversion work, just have to pin vice holes in the bottoms of their feet and attach it to cork to give me a better surface to hold onto while painting details.


If things go well, in less than a week I'll have about 30 new miniatures to show. Showing red primer marines would be boring anyway.

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Another minor update, the weather hasn't been to kind as of late, I live in a bit of a wind corridor so it makes spray painting a bit of a pain. In my down time I was able to put together and magnetize the main weapons for the Baal Predator and finalize the kit bash for a plastic Chronus Count As ( For Apocalypse games and the like, plus it just looks cool. )


Magnetizing the Baal wasn't as difficult as I had imagined, but I have both sets squared away.


I can remove the hatch where the spotter sits, along with the main housing that sits over the Assault Cannons or the Flamestorm, along with the Heavy Bolter Sponsons to replace them with Flamers, the side armor hatches can also come undone and swap between the two with ease.


The Rhino Chassis itself is still in pieces, packed away in a plastic bag along with all the other vehicles. I plan to paint them all at the same time, a streamlined version that'll probably drive me insane, but at least, if the theory holds true, I'll be able to paint them all to exacting standards since they'll all be done at the same time.








I still have some lines to clear and gaps to fill.


Also started work on five objective counters, nothing really spiffy, just five Teminator Teleporter Beacons that I got for free from a friend. Placing them on 40mm bases since that's the accepted size for the gaming group here.

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