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New Forgeworld Dread Design


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Hi there,

In this week’s newsletter we have for you a fantastic new Space Marine Dreadnought – the Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought – along with the hotly-anticipated Carcharodons Transfer Sheet.


Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought

A true relic of the hallowed days of the Great Crusade, and of the heights of technological achievement once reached by the Imperium of Mankind, the Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought was a mainstay of the armoured might of the Astartes Legions of old. Larger and stronger than standard pattern Dreadnoughts, the Contemptor’s systems featured many examples of techno-arcana steeped in the sacred mysteries of the Legio Cybernetica.

Due to their spearhead assault role in the epic battles of the Great Crusade, losses were high amongst these potent war machines, and in the shadowed aftermath of the Heresy the ability to produce or maintain the Contemptor was all but lost. However, some Chapters still boast these war-relics amongst their ranks, and whenever the Contemptor takes to the field of battle it is an echo of the power of ancient days.


The Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought, designed by Will Hayes, is a detailed full resin kit that allows any Space Marine (or Chaos Space Marine) army to field one of these ancient war machines. Will has also designed two unique weapon options: a Contemptor Pattern Lascannon Arm and a Contemptor Pattern Close Combat Arm (Fist). These two weapons can be used on either side of the Dreadnought body, which is itself a fully poseable miniature.

Experimental rules for this storied and ancient Dreadnought are available to download now from the Forge World website, and this kit and its weapon arms are available to pre-order now for despatch in the week commencing 25th July.


Carcharodons Transfer Sheet

Packed with well over 500 individual transfers, the Carcharodons Transfer Sheet is a hotly-anticipated addition to Forge World’s range of A4 transfer sheets. Kenton Mills has crammed onto it Chapter badges sized for both infantry and vehicles, heraldic blazons, Void Maw devices and a wide range of different sigils and devices that denote an individual Carcharodon warrior’s record of carnage across the stars, albeit in a manner that ensures his deeds may only be read by another Astartes of this ill-famed and sinister Chapter.


The Carcharodons Transfer Sheet is available to order now for immediate despatch.


Forge World Events News

Last weekend Forge World, accompanied by Imperial Armour writer Alan Bligh, joined the Warhammer World Events team for their Badab War Part 1 Campaign Weekend. The event was based on our popular Imperial Armour expansion books, and what a weekend it was! We’d like to thank everyone who stopped at the stand to say hi, ask questions or get their copies of the Badab War signed.

Everyone attending had a great time and you will be able to see more of what went on, including some very impressive conversions and painted armies, in a review coming soon. If you missed out the Events team are keen to run Part 2 next year.


Forge World’s intrepid sales team are now in sunny Madrid for Games Day Spain which takes place on July 3rd at the Pabellon de Convenciones at Casa del Campo, with a massive selection of the Forge World and Warhammer Forge range of resin kits, books and modelling products. You can download a catalogue from the Forge World website here. We look forward to seeing you there!



Ead Brown

Customer Service Manager

Forge World


-Warseer's iFelix


This is a general piece of news but I feel it has a special relevance to our forum. It says in the lower right corner that the rules are applicable to the chaos version, that we may use it (hooray, no insane dreadnaughts and we get a psuedo Venerable!) and that we may use those rules until chaos ones are published in a forthcoming book. As to whether such a forthcoming book is a Forgeworld book is debatable, as a version in the next chaos codex is totally foreseeable. Discuss the chaos relevant issues here, please, I'm certain there will be another thread for the general discussion of this monstrosity.

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Frankly I'm quite excited to see the chaos version if they ever make one. The design as seen a lot of criticism already, citing the curviness isn't space marine-like enough, but I do think it fits quite well, giving contrast of the mad designs of the 41st millennium. It's sort of like a wraith-lord, I can picture it marching through a battle zone, leading it's brothers in the fray or walking behind them, keeping a close eye to ensure they're safe.


I actually hope that the Chaos version isn't just skulls, spikes and horns galore, but rather a throwback to the older chaos aesthetic. The aesthetic that isn't evil/Mordor, like we have now, but twisted madness. Raptors, Daemons and old possessed for example: when I look at them I don't go "ooo, scary!" or think they look evil, they look blasted and maddening. Chaos should hurt to look at, and hurt to try and reason with.


P.S: Thanks for the links, I should have put them up. ><



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actually... those two dont look alike at all, yes, they are both clunky red robots. but thats like saying, a chainsword is a ripoff of a chainsaw... the similarities they share are so general that its impossible for them not to be alike considering that they... well... ARE big red clunky robots...


also. i do not get why people are so worked up about the look of it. afterall, the design of the PH dreads are quite old by now, its not like anything changed. we just finally got a really nice model for it

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also. i do not get why people are so worked up about the look of it. afterall, the design of the PH dreads are quite old by now, its not like anything changed. we just finally got a really nice model for it


I'm not worked up about it at all, except for the likelihood that I'll never get to field it in a tournament. Doesn't mean I'm not getting one. . .or three. ^_^ I rather enjoy the notion of a Dreadnought that can look a Dreadknight pilot in the eye.

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I love this thing so much. My Word Bearers will have one. No, three! Okay, probably just one. Still. So fun!


No kidding. Maybe Privateer Press should send a cease and desist. Lol.

Well, really - I love Privateer to death and all, but their original warjack designs owed a lot to the Adeptus Titanicus versions of Imperial Titans. Unsurprising, since the original 'Jacks were sculpted by Mike McVey. They've moved on since, and definitely have an aesthetic that's all their own anymore, but if there's an echo of design here, it's not because GW's ripping off PP's visuals.

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I'm not worked up about it at all, except for the likelihood that I'll never get to field it in a tournament. Doesn't mean I'm not getting one. . .or three. devil.gif I rather enjoy the notion of a Dreadnought that can look a Dreadknight pilot in the eye.


didnt refer to you specificly, its just that i see alot of people responding badly to the design... wich i honestly think is odd, since as mentioned above, this style of dread was designed so really long ago...so just puzzles me people are only having problems with it now where it have gotten an awesome model


i would love to see forgeworld do the other 2 style dreadnaughts, the one linked above, and the old plastic robocop-looking one (theres no way that one is not a ripoff though)

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Frak this model (as much as I like the Heresy-era stylings), I'm getting any old 2nd hand Dreads off eBay, and converting up the suckers to be a 'counts-as' Contemptor.


Because, for the first time in years, we Chaos players can use a Dreanought that is not almost entirely ruined by it's rules; and not only that, we can use a dreadnought that can FLEET and has an invulnerable save, for the love of crumb cake! How cool is that! :D :P

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I'm a huge fan of the new FW model, as I was quite a fan of the Horus Heresy Collected Visions artwork, plus I really love the fact that the kit seems very posable. Having a Dread that doesn't freak out mid-game is awesome too, lol.


I am a touch terrified now though. I just stopped by the Grey Knights' Thread on this dread, and there are already people talking about using it as a 'counts-as' Dreadknight! Don't get me wrong, I'm a big supporter of 'counts-as' stuff; but c'mon, seriously? That's a bit irritating...

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I am a touch terrified now though. I just stopped by the Grey Knights' Thread on this dread, and there are already people talking about using it as a 'counts-as' Dreadknight! Don't get me wrong, I'm a big supporter of 'counts-as' stuff; but c'mon, seriously? That's a bit irritating...


Were I pathetic enough to field Grey Knights, and given what the studio urped up for the Dreadknight, I'd be tempted to counts-as it, too. :)

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*snort* Yeah, good point. :) Nontheless, I'm not gonna be a happy camper after I buy one of these, paint it up, take it to it's first game, and some GK player is across from me using the same guy going 'Yeah, here's my Dreadknight.'
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I guess it's a good thing I just built this.




I love having extra bits lying around. I love even more when rules come out that are perfect for one of my conversions.

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Because, for the first time in years, we Chaos players can use a Dreanought that is not almost entirely ruined by it's rules; and not only that, we can use a dreadnought that can FLEET and has an invulnerable save, for the love of crumb cake! How cool is that! ;) :P


But is fleet really worth it? It's a lot of points for just 4 attacks on the charge if you run him into CC.

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would you rather run a hth dread that is A crazy B has lower fron armor. C moves slower ? am not saying it is good because at 200pts+ it is not , but at least it does what you want it to do , unlike the chaos dreads[which people who run them take two anyway , which technicly is 200pts too].
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