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New Forgeworld Dread Design


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would you rather run a hth dread that is A crazy B has lower fron armor. C moves slower ? am not saying it is good because at 200pts+ it is not , but at least it does what you want it to do , unlike the chaos dreads[which people who run them take two anyway , which technicly is 200pts too].


Crazy....every time.


Nothing reeks of chaos like insanity.

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I am a touch terrified now though. I just stopped by the Grey Knights' Thread on this dread, and there are already people talking about using it as a 'counts-as' Dreadknight! Don't get me wrong, I'm a big supporter of 'counts-as' stuff; but c'mon, seriously? That's a bit irritating...


ill' welcome allmost ANYTHING that will pull those god awfull abominations spawned in the deep dark, cold, and empty rececess of Wards imagination off of the table...


on a sligtly less serious note (yeah, less), i think if you made it a nice banner or so, it should match in hight pretty nice. and i might actually be generally slightly leaning towards the thought of actually playing against a GK army having one of theese as proxy for a "hurhhmashys Derwpnajt" (as long as my opponent dont go full retard and gives it teleporter and stormraven launchers or whatever the hell they can have)

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Am I the only one who saw it and thought "Ohh a good looking Obliterator"?


Yes. That's way too enormous for a mere non-MC, T4, 2+/5++. Might be interesting to see someone scratch-build a DP out of one, though.


Curse you and your fixation on appropriately sized models! You were supposed to ignore the obvious size differences.

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Am I the only one who saw it and thought "Ohh a good looking Obliterator"?


Yes. That's way too enormous for a mere non-MC, T4, 2+/5++. Might be interesting to see someone scratch-build a DP out of one, though.


Curse you and your fixation on appropriately sized models! You were supposed to ignore the obvious size differences.


It's not my "fixation", it's TLOS + the stats of what's being Counts-As'd. You're going to do what you want to do regardless, but you did ask, and yes, you're the only one who's thinking that. ^_^

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I love this, for years I wanted them to upscale the old plastic epic dread. At first the cost put me off but then I noticed the size. This is going to be a bullet magnet in any game.

This is a great base for a daemon prince. I wanna see this guy turned to 4 gods asap.

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i still cant see why people are calling this a rip off of a warjack from warmachine :x when its based on the old epic 40k dread which was in use before warmachine even existed as a game ( let alone privateer press )



There will always be Warhammer 40,000 and Games Workshop haters who are quick to jump at anything they can use to bash it.

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It's a fun little kit for Chaos players. I welcome anything that spices up the Gav Thorpe abomination we have to contend with.



You must have missed the memo about Alesio taking all the blame of how Codex CSM turned out the way it is now, thanks to Gav we still have some flavor to the dex.

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It's a fun little kit for Chaos players. I welcome anything that spices up the Gav Thorpe abomination we have to contend with.



You must have missed the memo about Alesio taking all the blame of how Codex CSM turned out the way it is now, thanks to Gav we still have some flavor to the dex.


Realizing that because Alessio is no longer able to be held accountable, his falling on the sword years after the fact is at best him stroking a martyr complex and at worst a hollow gesture.

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I have made a conversion using some defiler bits, and it performed just great today! With his armour and save I laughed off some broadsides and charged 17" into some poor unsuspecting Crisis suits! Crushed the first two suits and caught the commander and last bodyguard. I couldn't be more pleased. Not only was he actually able to get into combat, but is reasonably survivable as well!
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