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Khorne Chaplain


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howdy everyone. Waiting for my forgeworld stuff to arrive so I decided to make a Khorne Chaplain for my warband. Fluff wise I feel like there had to be a couple of chaplains that stuck around.





Still not sure what shoulder pads/ trophy racks I wanna give him, and I want to make sure he matches my zhufor and FW terminators so I may wait a bit until i can see the other models. anyways id love to hear some C&C! thanks for looking!

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I already felt like changing him up a bit. decided on some shoulder pads. still don't know what i wanna do in regards to trophy racks. I also took the arrow off his head.


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Have you given any thought to customizing some kind of Khorne specific crozius?


On a more metaphysical note: since the temples to Khorne are battlefields, and Berserkers are essentially making sacrifice every time they kill someone, wouldn't they ALL kind of be priests, if not exactly chaplains?

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Thats a great question. I dont plan on using that arm again in the whole army and every other model I have will be using an axe. I dont really know what to do with it to make it look unique though, and I'm really lacking in the khorne bits right now. Maybe a spike at the end? one thing I plan on giving him is a little necklace with a khorne symbol. in the chaos marine box there is a helmet with a little tag that i clipped off, and im gonna make that into his rosarius.


You bring up a great point about the priest thing as well. I just had kind of a mental image of a chaplain leading his warband into greater acts of burn maim kill etc. If someone could be that devoted to the emperor, then why not khorne? I think there was some fluff waaaaaaay back in the day about chaplains turning into blood priests or something like that. at the very least he was one of the few that survived and just kept his armor but no longer preaches.


I think im still going to paint him red in world eaters colors, but the bone helmet should give some nice contrast to the model and match the skulls on everything else.

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I just had kind of a mental image of a chaplain leading his warband into greater acts of burn maim kill etc. If someone could be that devoted to the emperor, then why not khorne? I think there was some fluff waaaaaaay back in the day about chaplains turning into blood priests or something like that. at the very least he was one of the few that survived and just kept his armor but no longer preaches.


No negative criticism on my part, it's a cool idea.


I think im still going to paint him red in world eaters colors, but the bone helmet should give some nice contrast to the model and match the skulls on everything else.


I do all my dudes with bone colored helmets, so I naturally agree that it's a great idea! :cuss

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Thats really nice. the helmet looks especially cool, even if you decide not to use him as a chaplain. My only suggestion would be to use the FW shoulder pads to tie it in with the other FW stuff. A nice trophy rack would be off the Lord Zhufor model. You can get them off ebay or bitzbox etc. I plan to use the renegade militia mutilated torso mounted on a pole as a trophy on one of my guys. If I can ever find the bit for sale anywhere!
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I'm glad to see that others like the idea of a Khornate Chaplain - having a champion around who is at a Word Bearers' Dark Apostle's level of faith towards the Blood God could push a warband the extra violent mile.


As for the miniature, it's looking great so far! A suggestion for trophies; Any champion has been through countless battles, which means they've fought many different enemies. This also means that they have likely slain the elite warriors of the factions they have fought against. A diverse array of head types, as well as one or two heads that are a little more ornamental (Chaos Marine or Space Marine helmets would be the easiest to work with here) would represent this well.


In the fluff of my warband, one of the champions is a berzerker who carried Khârn the Betrayer's broken body from the gates of The Emperor's Palace in the battle for Terra. After witnessing the power of Khorne through Khârn's resurrection, said berzerker, Jozhua, decided to dedicate himself to spreading the name of Khorne through bloodshed and encouraging others to dedicate themselves solely to the Blood God.

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Thanks for the replies guys! I totally agree on the trophies/shoulder pads, I just wont have anything extra since the terminators/zhufor will take up everything. Im gonna wait and see how my other terminators look before i decide to put the trophy racks on. IN the FW picture i see that they decided to not use the ones that come from the plastic kit, so i gotta see what i like most. Hopefully my color scheme can really tie him together. awesome fluff about your warband! sounds very cool!
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I just wont have anything extra since the terminators/zhufor will take up everything.

Yeah that'll be a roadblock, do you have any extra Chaos Marine heads though?


awesome fluff about your warband! sounds very cool!

Thank you! I've barely started the miniatures work for my warband, but whenever I have enough I'll let you know; planning on making a thread for them. Might start a Work-in-progress thread for em though.

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as to the suggestions to making a unique looking "crozius" if you can find an old warriors of chaos fantasy box set, and snip the axe heads off of the weapons in that box, you can mount them on the head of that mace, going the full circumference of the weapon.


if the axe is the chosen weapon of khorne, than he must like a mace of axeheads right?

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