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honour guard


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hello gents,


ive gotten myself in a sort of dillema.


ive made an HG for my army to go alongside.... eh.....il fill that in later :P


anyway, i want to paint these guys but then it kinda struck me....gold or red with gold details?


they will most defenitly not be acompanying my chapters chapter master (he goes around jumping ;) ) but will be packed with the not yet decided character and kick some booty in combat!


the squad has a blood champ and thunderhammer bad ass :)


im leaning heavily towards red with heavy golden details but am not quite sure...


are all honour guards supposed to have golden armour or is that picture in the dex supposed to be Dante's honour guard?


your take on this please -_-

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I ended up making mine into a highly ornate squad that I probably won't use to actually play competitive games with due to decking them with PW's and a banner. They're meant to be nothing more than a hobby squad, or when i field a fluffy army.


But anyways, back on topic. I ended up really liking ornate red armor with golden details.

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Honor Guard have always been red with Gold helmets. Originally, veterans didn't have a prescribed helmet color, and gold helmets represented honor guard.


And then someone in GW's studio decided to paint an Honor Guard specifically for Dante, and painted it all gold to match him. I am convinced this particular unit was an inspiration for Sanguinary Guard.


Personally, I prefer to save the all-gold for the SG, and go with red and gold details (and helmets!) on the Honor Guard.

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I decided that I wanted to use the golden colour across the body to show their elite status but I didn't want the poncey golden armour, so I used cloaks from Dark Angels Veteran bodies and will paint them a deep non-metallic golden brown, and paint the armour underneath in red with gold helmets. That lets me show the unit up as unique and characterful on the table without having to paint any golden bat-nipples....
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Lets face it, all gold units are a pain to paint and highlight. They come out looking bad.


Plus, red is already an awesome color.


I too have painted my honor guard red, but no gold helmets here. Only gold trim on their shoulder pads. The gold helmets are saved for my Veterans and Terminators. I realize Honor Guard are above Veterans and Terminators, but they have other painted details to show them apart, like a banner :) I am like Brother Byhill, the more gold on my units, the more highly appraised they are.

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I made their helmets and shoulder trim in gold. I also added some gold parts to their armor but it is predominantly red.

This is my plan for my upcoming HG.

thats also what my intention was :jaw: trims, helmet and some other details would be in gold. the rest would be red and/or whatever colour is appropiate (like metal and such :tu:)

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