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Blight Drones


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If my local gaming group okays the use of certain rules/models put out by forgeworld like the dreadclaw, and blight drone for use in my chaos marine army for just for fun games and whatever else. If i feild a blight drone how effective is it in a game, if i feilded two in a squadron is it better or worse. Was the blight drone useful for other players, did it last long enough to make a differnce, or would you have rathered feilded more plague marines instead


(also what are some good general tactics for the blight drone)

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I have two blight drones, and I love 'em. They are quite resilient for a skimmer, and they have a low AP blast to take apart those pesky MEQs.


As far as tactics go, I like to use them as firefighters; zipping around the battlefield to add extra firepower where its needed most. The ability to ignore terrain when moving is an awesome boon that chaos doesn't normally enjoy- use it to negate enemy's cover.

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I have one twice...and I am still waiting for the results... First time it killed one - ONE!! - Space Marine, before it was destroyed. In the second game it deep struck as part of a Daemon army, and scattered 11" off the table, and was lost in a mishap. Very annoying...


So - I am hoping that when I have painted the next three, and field four simultaneously, that the results will come.


Check my blog for pictures ;-)



Master Ciaphas

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I use three in my Death Guard army... They can be extremely effective, if not for killing, then at least disrupting an enemy's plans. Once they see 3 Blight Drones on the field, they make them priority, which I will zip around the field to get the enemy into position to take handfuls of Plasma to the face, or a Vindicator blast, or walk into my Predator Annihilator's LoS. They can be pretty deadly with their Mawcannon, and if you're lucky you'll get some Reaper Autocannon shots off as well. They're pricy (points wise), however, so keep that in mind.
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