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Hello first time poster here! :lol:


i was wondering if you could help me?

i have recently purchased some night lords bits and am aspiring to build a lords army based around the company organistaion (think aaron dembski with the 10th)

i was wondering if anyone knows what company numbers are 'taken' or how many companies the night lords had, i was thinking i would like my company to be the 21st but as i am a bit of a fluff freak i want to know if im stepping on anyones toes so to speak.

obviously the 1st and the 10th are taken but any help you can give regarding the others will be most welcome




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Hello first time poster here! :P


i was wondering if you could help me?

i have recently purchased some night lords bits and am aspiring to build a lords army based around the company organistaion (think aaron dembski with the 10th)

i was wondering if anyone knows what company numbers are 'taken' or how many companies the night lords had, i was thinking i would like my company to be the 21st but as i am a bit of a fluff freak i want to know if im stepping on anyones toes so to speak.

obviously the 1st and the 10th are taken but any help you can give regarding the others will be most welcome





Not to sure myself on what a Night Lord company is... but if it consists of 100 men then there are many companies... even if it consists of 1,000 men you have many companies... Pretty much pick a number between 1-100 you may well be safe (I'm assuming a standard legion size of 100,000 marines rather than 10,000.)... the lower the number is the safer you are! Also note that depending on the time period your the company you choose is from you could have characters in your company that do not exist in the current background without any serious problems and on that note you could have know characters missing if your force is from before (haven't been recruited or they don't stand out yet!) their time or they may be dead or missing if your force is set after their time.

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thanks for ythe reply

you raise some good points, my company would be a kinda of fractured warband but the idea was to the warband would have once been a whole company.

as far as characters go im making up my own and i don't use character models at all in any of my armies (i get beat alot lol)

any other help anyone could give would be great

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I have read a book or two of theirs, but they def have lost numbers if you are trying to make an army based post heresy. I will warn ya though, they can take a while to paint.



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No problem...the night lords hero mini was one of the reasons that first got me into them besides the books. BTW if you havnt picked them up, they are fun to read, especially ADB's soul hunter and from what I have heard, blood reaver too, as Im only a chapter in blood reaver. Also if you wanted to, the night lords post heresy dont always have equipment available to fix their gear since the pre heresy days before they split from the imperium. So sometimes they repair their armor with loyalist gear from their fallen foes, blood angels to be one of them. I think having some with loyalist chest plates and different shoulder pads could really add that extra personality to your army since you are going for post heresy. Just an idea...



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In Blood Reaver there was a flashback in which 31st Company was mentioned, so you should be relatively safe with most numbers
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I need to get crackin on that book! It is nice to hear that they have alot more numbers. I was actually concerned about that when I was reading soul hunter a while back.



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I have read a book or two of theirs, but they def have lost numbers if you are trying to make an army based post heresy. I will warn ya though, they can take a while to paint.




I don't know what method you use, but mine are reasonably quick to paint


Although I hate the satisfaction draining out of you when you realize you've forgotten the lightning :P

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I am not the best at mixing, but I worked my way up from moridian blue as a base and built up the high lights until I hit ice blue. From there I did a full blue wash. I just kept it simple and painted shining gold for my guys. I tried to use the color scheme from their Night lords hero model on the GW website. I could average about 5 guys in ten hours and Im a pretty fast painter. At the moment I have about 80 night lord minis and most still need lightning, but I figured I needed a bit of a break from them before I would go back for the lightning.



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I have read the book by ADB soul hunter was better but blood reaver is pretty cool too.

don't remember that flashbach biaz but as long as someone does its good enough for me.

as for the whole armour thing, i have a few minis left over from my space marine (hangs head in shame) collecting days, gonna kit bash the hell out of those imperial scum bwhahahahaha

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