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Sons of Doom Veterans

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Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

I return once more to provide some Sons of Doom for you all to have a look at, you should hopefully see more of my chapter soon in the coming weeks.

So first off, this is a Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield wielding Terminator Sergeant whom I can also use to Counts As Lysander. The name of this brother marine is Veteran Sergeant Oronis Nyx, but is known officially as "The Ironhelm". I used only the bits provided in the CC Terminator box set which had been laying about for a good while, was about tiem I built and painted one! ^_^

The Ironhelm is an old name used upon the planet of Auton by the citizens when they went to war. A warrior of unparalleled close combat skill and leadership would be selected to become the Ironhelm of the army. The Ironhelm has the same rank equivalent as their commanders, who advises the leader on the best method of assault as well as leading the warriors into close combat with his example and skill. Since their recent founding, the Sons of Doom have only had 3 Astartes bearing the mantle of the Ironhelm, ranking equivalent to a Captain, the wisdom and advice of the Ironhelm is highly respected by all members of the Chapter. The Ironhelm is always seen at the forefront of an assault alongside his Brother Chaplains, shouting out where the weakest spot of the enemy in close combat is as the Sons of Doom advance on foot. The current Ironhelm, Veteran Oronis Nyx was once the Captain of the Fifth, as shown upon his right tasset. But after the loss of the previous Ironhelm, Nyx was chosen to inherit the mantle, with the young Eutronus Amorphous taking his place as Captain of the Fifth. The Ironhelm has full access to the armory to use whichever weapon is necessary to beat the foes of the Emperor, however Nyx prefers to use the Storm Shield and Thunder Hammer to annihilate and destroy his enemies.







Comments greatly appreciated!


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I think a different colour to the base might make the model 'pop' better - it'll prove a better contrast if you have, say, a (yellow) desert coloured base rather than grey. ^_^


Don't take this as gospel though, I just think the grey isn't doing the base any favours and I took a punt at a colour. :cuss

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I think a different colour to the base might make the model 'pop' better - it'll prove a better contrast if you have, say, a (yellow) desert coloured base rather than grey. ^_^


Don't take this as gospel though, I just think the grey isn't doing the base any favours and I took a punt at a colour. :cuss


They grey is uniform across the board with my marines so that will not be changing, but I might darken the grey on the base as it does seem a little too bright. Might have been the flash though.



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Unless he is going to be your only TH+SS terminator or I've missed something (maybe different paint scheme?) I think he needs to stand out more from a basic terminator if you want him to be a counts as Lysander... That's just my opinion and you can feel free to ignore me and win a free holiday to Brixham reeducation centre! Muhahahahahaha
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Unless he is going to be your only TH+SS terminator or I've missed something (maybe different paint scheme?) I think he needs to stand out more from a basic terminator if you want him to be a counts as Lysander... That's just my opinion and you can feel free to ignore me and win a free holiday to Brixham reeducation centre! Muhahahahahaha


Thanks for the opinion Hellios. I'm thinking of adding a banner to help make his stick out. The nrmal colour for terminator helms are white so you can spot that difference, even though it's subtle, but the banner might help to make him stick out. In all honesty as well, my Sons of Doom are a young chapter having been in the 25th founding. Thus I don't think they'd have too much ornate armour. Thanks for dropping by and providing your opinion...and I'll gratefully declin e my trip to Brixham for re-educating thanks. :)



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well after a small hiatus of travelling and getting back into the groove, I'm proud to display a new addition to my army after being finally painted. :D The model in quesiton is a bit of a rescue operation in similar style to my work in Operation Reclamation (coming soon again I hope...), after removing some irreparable arms and shoulderpads and then adding some new shiny bits and a great big Relic Blade, the new Sergeant looks good! :)

So without further ado, Veteran Sergeant Caestis wielding the revered "Emerald Blade":





More to come soon, featuring my first custom Sternguard model all painted. Comments + Critique as always appreciated.


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Another day passes, another miniature completed. :D This one is part of my custom Sternguard squad, where I've made some serious kitbashing and modelling to make completely unique Sternguard models. Their progress was tracked in this thread. I might update that one soon with how the others are progressing in their painting.

The combi-plasma originates from the Terminator Librarian set, and as seen, this was before the advent of Finecast, so getting it to fit on the model was a bit of a nightmare... Other parts added include a Chaos Marine's chestplate, specifically for that nice lovely skull piece to help add some Sons of Doom ornateness.





Comments/opinions/critique as always highly appreciated. :)


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