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Mark of Slannesh on a DP....


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Greetings brothers, I'm new to playing the World Eaters, although they've always been the top army that I wanted to start. I finally got around to doing it since I had 3 rhinos already, and 2 boxes of Berzerkers = 3 units... such a good deal.


Anyway, I had my first game last night against my friend's Sanguinor and Dante death from above list. It did not go well. I learned from my mistakes and next time I'll certainly do better, especially once my defilers come in.


One of the issues I ran into was that Sanguinor and Dante would strike before my Demon Prince and Khârn. I thought Dante had I5 base, so Khârn charged him (Dante was rightfully afraid of Khârn, so he gave Khârn the -1 WS, I and W at the start of the game) and with furious charge I thought we'd be striking at the same time. But alas, those blood angels are quicker than I thought and Khârn failed both his invulnerable saves.


A painfully similar situation happened when my Demon Prince encountered the Sanguinor.


I can't help Khârn out, but I was wondering what you guys thought of giving the DP mark of Slannesh (spits) and probabaly Warptime also? Makes him much more of a threat in close combat... but it makes me a little sad inside. I know it's bad that I'm using Slannesh out of all the Marks, but at least I'm still using our Codex, right? :)


I don't want to anger the blood god, but under the circumstances, I think he'd understand.

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Khorne would understand... Then take your skull not a moment later :)


Apparently the best build for a DP is wings and warptime for all that reroll goodness and the wings for speed as heis such a fire magnet...


Marks though hmm... I've never actually used a DP so I cannot say which is best... (

*cough* khorne *cough*) so ask someone else on that bit

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The fluffy part of my brain has died a little more. :)


Having said that, I don't trust MoS on my daemon princes anymore simply because they don't come with frags, so I won't always be able to use it. In a similar vein, I personally have been moving away from warptime because of the increase in anti-psyker units/wargear out there.


For me, the naked DP or the Khorne marked one does the job of cheap & fast assaulting goodness just fine. Trying to send a daemon prince up against a monster HQ is not going to help you, you're better off shooting him up and finishing him off with a squad of berserkers or two.

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I might be missing something important here but why do mc's need frags? Don't they have move through cover in the BRB because I'm Pretty sure they do...

Move Through Cover helps in your Movement phase, but it doesn't do anything for you in the Assault phase. If you assault through terrain or assault a unit that is in terrain, and you do not have Frag/offensive grenades, then you will strike at Initiative 1 in that Assault phase- completely negating the benefit of the Mark of Slaanesh.


Its something C:SM players learn early; Tactical Marines are terrible in assault but if you hide them in terrain they might actually kill a few things before falling back :P

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I might be missing something important here but why do mc's need frags? Don't they have move through cover in the BRB because I'm Pretty sure they do...

Move Through Cover helps in your Movement phase, but it doesn't do anything for you in the Assault phase. If you assault through terrain or assault a unit that is in terrain, and you do not have Frag/offensive grenades, then you will strike at Initiative 1 in that Assault phase- completely negating the benefit of the Mark of Slaanesh.


Its something C:SM players learn early; Tactical Marines are terrible in assault but if you hide them in terrain they might actually kill a few things before falling back ;)

Move Through Cover does still apply to the Assault phase, but you're right in that it doesn't do anything about reducing your Initiative.


To the original question, I say do whatever you have to do with this disappointing codex. If anyone pulls you up on it, just say that Gav/Alessio told you to.

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To the original question, I say do whatever you have to do with this disappointing codex. If anyone pulls you up on it, just say that Gav/Alessio told you to.




BTW try using a Slaanesh chaos lord with a blissgiver and melta gun then you get the benefit of his I6 and BS5 quite a nasty bombo and hide him in a unit of berserkers... just paint him red and say Gav/Alessio told you to.


You might as well. Use the codex to its "full advantage". It really doesn't matter.

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Thanks for the advice guys.


I'll play a few games with my I6 DP and see how I like it. It's only 5 points, kinda hard not to take it when it can make a big difference. It would also mean striking before all my other opponents, BA are the only I6 I regularly run into. I'm a big believer in rerolls too, so Warptime is nice to have. Yeah, it bumps up the cost but I think it's worth it.


My BA and SW opponents won't even realize why it's so wrong. My Death Guard friend will trash talk me relentlessly, oh well.


Hopefully the rumored Legion Codex has more options for Khorne DPs.

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of course your BA and SW mates don't see what is wrong, they have already fallen to the cheesey side :). I'm a pure Khorne player and I also mock my 1,000 sons mate for his random stuff he throws in. But do as you please, what is right for some may not be right for others and well it is a game about fun. Though my DP with wings and MoK do fine. Just shoot his troops up a little with some defilers or teeth of khorne. or even go hunting with some DS termis with combi-plasma, that is always fun. the enemys face is always priceless when that happens
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In terms of fluff you don't have to see it as the Mark of Slaanesh but simply an upgrade called "Daemonic Speed" or something. Mark of Khorne could be considered "Daemonic Strength" Mark of Tzeentch could be "daemonic prescience" and so on.


I think people are getting too bent out of shape about both the codex and "pure fluffy" lists. It's a bit sad really.


Use the codex as you please.


That's my opinion anyway.

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I am hoping for an upgrade to Marks for DP in the next codex like MoK giving +1 A and Furious Charge, MoS giving +1 I and Fleet, MoN giving +1 T and Feel no Pain, and MoT giving +I Inv S and .......ok don't know what to give to MoT as a second but something Psykerish. They would be for inceased point cost but the would be understandable and all of them will go with the fluff of the Chaos Gods so nothing wrong there.
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The current codex really limits the ability of an all Khorne army.


I played and lost like 30 games straight vs my friends Mechdar list. His list was optimized to use the best units efficiently. My list was just fluffy and I got shot down every time.


It was sad.


Now I use a more optimized list, and I don't lose nearly as often.


A small break from the fluff, makes things a lot more interesting, and you can keep it fluffy in casual games anyways by just renaming stuff like Verbal Underbelly had said.

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  • 1 month later...

I run all Khorne and I don't feel like the few choices that are different stray too far. I don't use Obliterators or units with other marks, although I do use some unmarked units. All of my troops are Berzerkers or Daemons though.


Typically I use a Defiler and also some Autocannon Havocs, often with an Icon of Khorne in a squad of 8. I've even converted them to all look like Berzerkers, and with the Icon they still have 4 attacks each.


I tend to do well with Khorne marked Possessed and Terminators, Khorne Daemon Prince with Wings, as well as a counts-as-Abaddon Lord Zhufor model. (People here don't play IA rules much anyway, so this way I don't have to ask every game to use my lord.)


I really don't have any trouble unless I break out some of my "fun" choices, like Khorne Chaos Bikers with big groups of Summoned Daemons and my Juggernaut Lord with Bloodfeeder (he always kills himself).

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