Elric the Silvercoat Posted July 5, 2011 Share Posted July 5, 2011 Is the Apothecary worth the +70 points in a Palladin Squad? For the 70 points you lose a storm bolter and the squad gets feel no pain when would only work against the attacks that let us use the +2 armour save anyways. So what is you experiances with the Apothecary and was it a game changer or was it a waste of points? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/233475-apothecary/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Something Wycked Posted July 5, 2011 Share Posted July 5, 2011 The Apothecary is definitely worth it IF you take a full 10 man unit and you don't combat squad. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/233475-apothecary/#findComment-2810807 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted July 5, 2011 Share Posted July 5, 2011 He is golden in that combination. G :P Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/233475-apothecary/#findComment-2810819 Share on other sites More sharing options...
nurglez Posted July 5, 2011 Share Posted July 5, 2011 I still haven't used one yet, I'd much rather put a personal teleporter on my dread knight then take an apothecary, as most of the wound's I fail are either instant death or ap 1-2. I play draigo wing with 15 pallies and a dk at 1500, and add a libby, psyrifle dread and a non PT dk in for 2000, just cant find the points for an apothecary... Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/233475-apothecary/#findComment-2810926 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Simo429 Posted July 5, 2011 Share Posted July 5, 2011 I wouldn't like to use one if my opponent had two lots of jaws on the table. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/233475-apothecary/#findComment-2810932 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raus Posted July 5, 2011 Share Posted July 5, 2011 I reason like this: Assuming you don't take an apotechary, you will most likely take a few extra wounds from multilasers, heavy bolters, autocannons, and other long range and small arms fire on the way in. However, these extra wounds probably won't kill anyone that wouldn't have died anyway, and you can make those lost wounds "nullified" by later on putting ID-weaponry on them. Where you will miss the FnP: Against hordes in close combat, orks, tyranids, etc. But it's a lot of points to pay for it. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/233475-apothecary/#findComment-2810944 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daedalus Templarius Posted July 5, 2011 Share Posted July 5, 2011 I generally have lost the most paladins to ap2/ap1 weaponry, although I have taken a few wounds on occasion from torrenting. If my friend that usually plays eldar switches to Deldar, I might think about an apoth in my bigger squads since there will be splinter rifle fire flying everywhere; too bad it won't do anything for me vs dark lances. Problem with an apoth, you only really want them in a big squad. If you have a squad of 10, you can't transport them. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/233475-apothecary/#findComment-2811004 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Idaho Posted July 5, 2011 Share Posted July 5, 2011 Oh don't do that! Your mate with his new DE list will have so many Dark Lances he won't need to splinter rifle you to death. Seriously, the average DE army has like 9+ Dark Lances, the competetive ones have upwards of 15! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/233475-apothecary/#findComment-2811174 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted July 6, 2011 Share Posted July 6, 2011 You can always combat squad the Paladins if it's a full unit - that way you can have one combat squad with four psycannons. It's pretty nasty indeed. I play a Draigowing army and prefer to take Thawn for my GKT - I feel he spices them up a bit and adds more to the army overall as compared to the apothecary. G Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/233475-apothecary/#findComment-2811279 Share on other sites More sharing options...
thor1234 Posted July 6, 2011 Share Posted July 6, 2011 I have found the Apothecary to be golden in units of 7+, the lack of storm bolter can be made up by using the apothecary to cast Holocaust, in a note of usefullness, I suppose it come down to your meta, my games tend to play out with lots of small arms fire directed at my pallies so for me that extra save is invaluble, not to mention I happen to like the pose on my model :D I try to fit him in where possible he is expensive but if you save 3-4 wounds with feel no pain, he has earned back the 75pts upgrade you spent, in one game I played my mates Eldar, he had 4 10 man squads of avengers let rip on my pallies, I would have lost 3 of them if not for the Apothecary who saved every single one! now if the look on your oppoents face when he his 100 ish shots fail to do anything to your termies isn't worth the points for the guy, then he is a pointless upgrade! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/233475-apothecary/#findComment-2811419 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reclusiarch Darius Posted July 6, 2011 Share Posted July 6, 2011 In my experience, the Apothecary is very useful. People will throw everything and the kitchen sink you way, which means you will be whittled down via torrenting. Feel No Pain makes it that much harder, and means you only fear power weapons in close-combat, not getting swamped. However, if you have to choose between Apothecary and an essential upgrade elsewhere (Dreadknight should never be taken without greatsword+teleporter, for example), take the upgrade. The other reason I would advocate for the Apothecary is wound allocation (he is unique after all), and for buffing attached characters. Your Librarian is a lot more survivable when attached to a Paladin unit with an Apothecary, ditto for Grandmaster. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/233475-apothecary/#findComment-2811451 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cmdr Shepard Posted July 8, 2011 Share Posted July 8, 2011 Something Wycked said: The Apothecary is definitely worth it IF you take a full 10 man unit and you don't combat squad. Black Orange said: He is golden in that combination. G ^_^ I can confirm it. I have noticed many models tend to "die" by small arms fire, Apothecary makes Paladin squads far more resilint to torrents of shots up to S7 and AP3. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/233475-apothecary/#findComment-2813410 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daedalus Templarius Posted July 8, 2011 Share Posted July 8, 2011 I switched out my Apoth arm with narthecium to another Daemonhammer (from a regular assault term box :)) so I could have 3 distinct 5 man squads; and since I usually run them this way, there is little need for a apoth in such small squads ESPECIALLY with his point cost. He is more than 2 more paladins! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/233475-apothecary/#findComment-2813450 Share on other sites More sharing options...
nurglez Posted July 8, 2011 Share Posted July 8, 2011 While I don't intend to run an apothecary, or a brotherhood banner, I have ordered 2 torso's and legs from a bitz site, so I can use them if I want too. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/233475-apothecary/#findComment-2813884 Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinky_si Posted July 11, 2011 Share Posted July 11, 2011 I've used an Apothecary on more than one occasion and, as others have said, he is best used in larger squads. I tend to give the Apothecary the Brotherhood Banner as well when I'm playing full a full Draigo-wing deathstar, he can then stroll around casting Holocaust, keeping the squad buffed and dodging wounds while the rest of the squad do the actual killy bit. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/233475-apothecary/#findComment-2815773 Share on other sites More sharing options...
breng77 Posted July 11, 2011 Share Posted July 11, 2011 I agree with most of waht has been said, it is kidn of worth it on a 10 man squad, the issue then is that the squad is terribly expensive, and you are not going to want to combat squad, whereas things like psybolts still apply to ever model so buying 10 man squads and combat squading is actually a good thing. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/233475-apothecary/#findComment-2815832 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gornall Posted July 11, 2011 Share Posted July 11, 2011 I want to try it on Draigo's squad just so he can laugh at Krak missiles... Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/233475-apothecary/#findComment-2815861 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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