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can you replace an and/or twice?


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Good morning all, I apologize for my sudden influx of topics (3), all were brought up within a week..


Again, couldn't find this one, though I have seen some that allow the change twice without any explanation of why...

Anyways, I was playing a game where my opponent replaced both weapons on his sarge, leaving him with a PP and a CCW. He did this by first replacing his bolter with a PP and then his BP with a CCW. He argued that the and/or of the rules allows for the replacement of both.

I have never played that way, and view it as an allowed replacement of both, but with only one new weapon showing up. My reasoning is based solely on the fact that there is no 'both' in the rule, which, to me, allows you to only use it once. I think that if you allow the replacement part to be used twice, what is there to stop me from using the dedicated transport part twice?

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I tend to agree with your interpretation but please be more specific as often it is worded as different dot points and sometimes not (i.e. C:DA p86 dev Sergeant has questionable wording but not the other sergeants)



I can't quote his entry as I don't know his codex that well, but he plays Blood Angels and it was the Sargent of his attack squad (jump inf. troops). For argument's sake though, let's base it off of the tactical squad wording (most are similar to this) from vanilla spacies...

"The SM sarge. maybe replace his BG and/or BP with:..."

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this one is worded right.... he can replace any and all at will. so it can be none, one or the other or both. the placement of the "and" in the sentence allows it. to make it simple read it like


the....may replace his boltgun with: a power weapon and bolt pistol with: a chainsword

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