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New to Death Guard


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Getting back into 40k after a massive hiatus, and have decided on playing Death Guard. Currently collecting a 1000 point pretty basic army to fumble around with before I decide what I need to start bringing in, using the forge world conversion kits. I've been really enjoying all of the tactica and painting guides on here, really useful thanks to all of you. The question I have is does anyone have any suggestions for alternatives to backpacks? I can't stand backpacks on marines, they just don't look functional or logical to me. I'm currently thinking either green stuff blobs representing :rolleyes: growths or just filing off that nub that the backpacks glue onto and having flat backs, but figured I'd try to tap the collective consciousness on here :lol:


Edit: Also, I've been looking around and found a few good guides but I'm dead keen on tips for doing Nurgle stuff with green stuff - sores, growths, that kind of stuff. Especially for vehicles. Thanks!

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Been doing some trials of the goo idea, hard to do on a smaller scale with my limited green stuff experience but I'm giving it a red hot go, thanks for the idea! Have another question regarding blight drones - how big are they in comparison to Obliterators? I also don't like the obliterator model (I know, I'm picky lol) and was wondering if they could be used as a counts as? I only play friendly games at a mates house so not concerned about how legal they'd be in tournaments, just wondering if there's some giant discrepancy in size. If they turn out to be a bust I was considering using an inquisitor model, the gladiator guy with the big claws, but again I'm not sure on size comparisons.
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Sigh. Every picture I see on these forums makes me more and more jealous haha. Some amazing talented people out there!! Was hoping to get a quick response on whether or not blight drones could make a good sub for obliterators... Can't seem to find a decent thread or picture that either gives the models dimensions or even just a size comparison. My housemate and I live in Australia and are putting together a list of stuff to get from forgeworld in the next few days so I'd like to know if I should grab a few or not. Cheers for the responses all, I'll start putting up some painted pictures soon!


Edit: Haha, housemate just pointed out a picture of a dreadnought and a blight drone next to each other on the forgeworld website... Guess it's a little big. Love the model though! Does anyone have one? If you chopped down the stand so it was closer to the base how low could you get it, low enough to be in the vicinity of being an oblit?

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