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So, what is currently on your painting table?

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In the realm of Chaos, what are you currently working on?


Me, I am looking at this Daemon Prince conversion, trying to figure out how I want to go about sculpting or converting an SM looking helmet for him. (the new Prince heads are a bit goofy looking).


Oh and there is this 95% completed Sorceror Lord that only needs freehand which I am loath to begin working on for fear of ruining the nice blends on his robe.

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24 Berzerkers

2 Dreads

5 Termies

3 Rhinos



The joys of starting a new army. I gotta get busy. Especially considering I have some Defilers on the way...


At least I painted Khârn already, 15 years ago.

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Currently on the painting table:

-10 Daemonettes for Lesser Daemons (painting)

-2 Obliterators (painting)

-3 Plague Marines: 2 w/melta guns, 1 champ magnetized for Powerfist, combi-weapon (painting/assembly)

-8 Khorne Berzerkers (painting)

-1 Terminator Lord/Sorceror (painting/assembly)

-1 box of Bloodletters (primed on sprue, not assembled yet)

-1 box of Daemonettes (primed on sprue, not assembled yet)

- Abaddon (painting)


I like to have several projects going at once so I don't get burned out on one thing. Everything being painted are nearly finished, so then I will move on to painting and assembling the Bloodletters and Daemonettes. In my storage, about 20-30 regular chaos space marines are assembled and need painting, along with about 7 terminators, 10 noise marines, 12 khorne berzerkers and 10 thousand sons. Also have 5 Forgeworld Plague Marine Terminators and a Nurgle Greater Daemon to assemble and paint. So, eventually I will get going on them.

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The severed heads of my many enemies! :D


Actually, looking at a large-scale project for a big 40K campaign that'll be starting in January - making a whole Word Bearers army in Dan the Daemon's "biggerized" style of Chaos Marine. I managed to score a ten-man squad of the old metal Chaos Terminators on the cheap, so I might look into using their lower leg components for some of the power armor. Should be an interesting project!

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Im still working on my night lords...I chose to go the big troop route and just overwhelm in numbers. Those are done, but I still need to do a land raider for them. Currently working on a fortress of redemption then off to the big realm of battle...I know Im going to hate painting that thing.



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4 iron warrior terminators

1 obliterator

1 rhino

a whole bunch of iron warriors

some shields of ultramar marines (my own version of the space smurfs)

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2 Squads of Blue/pink horrors

1 box of Bloodcrushers

1 Thirster

2 Squads of CSM

4 Rhinos

1 Vindicator

1 Land raider

5 Termies

6-7 Havocs

5 Oblits


Almost all of them are at least primed so its not quite as bad as it looks.... Most of the CSM HQs are painted as well as around 40-50 other regular CSMs and the defiler.

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Alpha Legion chosen squad. They're a kitbash between loyalist Space Marine and Chaos parts, with different squad members verging on either end of the spectrum in order to represent their ambiguous state. Still enjoyed the dual lightning claw one, where the right hand is a mutant arm and the left is a standard powerclaw...
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In process:

8 Rubric Marines, who I have decided I hate painting

1 Rhino, that only really needs just a little bit more to be done so it's stupid that I haven't done it yet

1 converted bipedal Defiler/DIY HQ thing, that I have no idea why I stopped painting

1 Dreadnought, that I quit painting over a year ago "to focus on troops"

1 beast rider (biker), that belongs to a project I've indefinitely tabled for conversion fixing reasons


Primed and waiting:

3 CSM champions

3 CSM banner bearers

1 Khorne Lord on Juggernaut

1 Khorne Lord with Daemon Weapon

5 Chosen

5 Raptors

2 Defilers

1 "Chaos Storm Raven" (a counts-as Land Raider that I'm putting off because I dread painting the cockpit interior)

1 Vindicator


What I'm probably going to do this week instead of painting anything:

Build that Rhino with extra armor I've been wanting to do.


What is wrong with me:

I am lazy and easily distracted.


What is the solution:

Another painting challenge! The Librarium challenge did wonders for my motivation.

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7 Alpha Legion CSM

8 Alpha Legion veteran assault marines (berzerkers, lol)

5 Alpha legion heavily armored boarding party with apothecary (plague marines)

5 Alpha Legion stealth squad (chosen)

4 Alpha legion terminators

4 Dark Mechanicus envoys (oblits)

1 Predator tank

3 Rhinos


...guess what legion i play... :rolleyes:

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...guess what legion i play... :P



Death Guard? ;)


Right now, I have a partially-constructed Plague Tower being hampered by parts acquisition issues, and a bunch of guys meant to be World Eaters that I've been holding back on in anticipation of a Call To Chaos challenge that doesn't seem to ever be happening. :)

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Almost everything I own :)


hmm Perhaps you guys can tell how to do the contstruction hazard striping for iron warriors as I can't find any help on it anywhere...


Atleast I have nearly finished my 1k son sorcerer I started a month ago :P


Yellow first! Then take a deep breath and just go for it with the black stripes. The more you do the easier it gets. Alternatively, the more you do the less you care how perfect it looks... ;)

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Just started on my Sheng conversion, Huscarl to the Night Haunter, along with his heresy era Company. I have no dang clue how big or small this project's gonna get, but I must build some Night Lords.....Death to the False Emperor! Ave Dominus Nox!
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Considering I end up redoing a lot of my stuff after I learn a better way of doing something, I'm not sure I'll ever truly be finished :D that said....

2 more World Eaters Berzerkers to round out the squad

3 Word Bearers Possessed Marines

1 Power Armoured Black Legion Sorcerer

5 Black Legion Havocs

5 more Black Legion Raptors/Assault Marines for a total of 10

1 Black Legion Dreadnought

1 Black Legion Predator

Might get around to finishing the (seemingly doomed to failure) Nurgle DP I have...

2 Chaos Spawn

And I might redo Abaddon (for the third time!) and his Land Raider. I can never get his face right! :P

And after that, only another 2 armies to go!

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hmm Perhaps you guys can tell how to do the contstruction hazard striping for iron warriors as I can't find any help on it anywhere...

Lyanden Darksun clears up mistakes a dream.


What's on my painting table? A Hammerhead, my basecoated Obliterators, my half-finished Terminators, and the Cities of Death ruins I bought when they first came out...


Yes, I'm lazy, but they are projects that are going to take EFFORT, plus I'm bored of painting grey. ALL MY ARMIES ARE GREY. (Although, ironically, I don't play GK.)

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Currently I am:

Reworking a Land Raider from the abused remnants of a used one and several new parts.

Reworking a metal Daemon Prince to have plastic wings and a nice bone field resin base.



3 primed havocs (but I haven't decided which colors they should get)

Typus (primed but too expensive to field at the FLGS escalation league's current points level)

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3 Defilers

1 Termi Lord

1 Deamon Prince


2 Rhinos

1 Vindicator

15 Bikes

36 BloodLetters

4 Blood Thirsters

Skulltaker on Jugger+5 Juggers

2 Soul Grinders

1 Brass Scorpion

1 Skull Knight

3 Blood Slaugtherers conversions

25 Zerkers

10 Termis


and 1 Armorcast Reaver


Oh and also a Thunderhawk count as!


Yup a lot of painting to do...

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There is at least this many unfinished models out there:


2 Abaddons

1 Typhus

1 Skulltaker

5 Daemon Princes

6 Chaos Lord

5 Greater Daemon

3 Sorceror Lords

33 Terminators

49 Chaos Space Marines

18 Chaos Chosen

3 Possessed

8 Thousand Sons

83 Berzerkers

9 Plague Marines

10 Raptors

5 Dreadnoughts

16 Rhinos

6 Defiler

4 Predator Tanks

2 Soul Grinders

3 Vindicator Tanks

1 Brass Scorpion

1 Skull Knight

3 Blood Slaughterers

1 Chaos Stormraven

1 Armorcast Reaver

1 Thunderhawk

3 Landraiders

86 Lesser Daemons

12 Obliterators

1 Fortress of Redemption

1 Plague Tower

8 Blood Crushers

14 Havocs

16 Chaos Biker

2 Spawn



Fascinating. :P

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Don't be forgetting my grey-covered table!


A Slaanesh Lord kitbashed from the Chaos Marine and Furioso Dreadnought kits

25 Marines armed with varying weapons

3 Rhinos

A World Eaters Dreadnought made from the leftovers of the Furioso kit

30 Daemonettes

A Keeper of Secrets

6 Fiends

10 Seekers

. . . and a story waiting to be finished :blush:

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