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So, what is currently on your painting table?

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I'm painting the following to have ready for a TOurnament at the start of September - currently I'm behind schedule :huh:


- Four Chaos Marines

- Khorne Berzerkers

- 4 Obliterators

- 1 Daemon Prince

- 10 Plague Marines

- 3 Rhinos


When you write it down it doesn't look like much...

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Uh, hello. Very nice, Master of Fact. Is that a resin bit you purchased somewhere?


Seconded! Where did you get those?


For myself, I'm going to finish my pair of obliterrators today, finish paint an ork boy (my friends and I let one another use allies ;)), and assemble/prime his fellows 500 points-ish. For chaos stuff I'm going to GS a loyalist dreadnaught, and then paint it, a squad of Rubrics, and two rhinos.


Of course if a certain Copenhagenite Dane would start a call to chaos, the chaos units might jump ahead....

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khorne-wolves, tzeentch-wolves/marhens (i know the irony of it, and its part of the concept. would be aming for the same theme as chaos in warhammer online) or my Darkmech force... cant decide what so ever, and wont start painting/really getting building going till ive made my decicion... maybe tzeentch mechanicus?.. i love tzeentch...
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Hmm let's see,


1 Daemon Prince

3 Rhinos

1 Vindicator

28 Plague Marines

5 Terminators

3 Obliterators

3 Dreadclaws


... yup, that's about it. Everything is getting slowly assembled in order to be painted though, and it will, so a Call of Chaos wouldnt do me any good seeing as I have a timeline :P ^_^



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A number of Chaos Marines, mostly Word Bearers because I finally have the paints for them, a few Chaos Terminators, and a Loyalist Rhino. Also 8 or so Night Goblins because I got the WFB paint set thing.
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Seeing as I finally unpacked all the warhammer stuff yesterday after letting it sit in the boxes I packed them in when moving almost a year ago I have a ton of stuff.


Mostly daemons and a few terminators and marines.



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20 csm

10 raptors

10 lesser daemons

Fabius bile conversion

Chaos trminator lord

Chaos sorcerer

10 khorne berserkers with retro night lord paint jobs.


I've got one raptor near done and ten marines at 80-95%.

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So many unpainted miniatures. :wallbash: ^_^

Probably because people generally are having more fun converting/modelling than painting...and I think it's the internet's fault! :)


I mean, with all these nicely painted armies out here my crappy painting just don't cut it...so I try my best and put more and more time into my figures and is slowly getting better, but nowhere near "internet standard", so screw it! I'll just model a few more cool poses and mutations instead... :verymad:


Back in 2nd ed before I took my 10 year break from the game, I just painted stuff as good as I could and left it at that. I have an old CSM army that I wont play with because it's crappy painted, but at least it was painted! Sooo many good painters at the club and on the net...

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Hmm. My main focus now is the Tzeentchian Daemons I have, some Horrors, a few Flamers and a Screamer as well as a Terminator Lord.


Got some "Gibbering Hordes" as well that were left about 50% done a few years ago I might as well finish up ;)



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No time Gods damn it! :)


Real life obligations > 40K



I will however promise to finalize my plans for the next call, this week. I'll see when I will have the actual time to actually run it (especially since I won't be participating myself - damn lack of motivation, Chaos, meh, rant, ramble, RAWR!).

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No time Gods damn it! :D


Real life obligations > 40K



I will however promise to finalize my plans for the next call, this week. I'll see when I will have the actual time to actually run it (especially since I won't be participating myself - damn lack of motivation, Chaos, meh, rant, ramble, RAWR!).


What do you need to do ?


I mean despite creating the new thread, and commenting like you already do on the forum.

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The Madness has truly taken him!
But I was never sane!


What do you need to do ?


I mean despite creating the new thread, and commenting like you already do on the forum.

Apart from creating the thread etc, I need to handle registrations, update the rules, arrange for prizes, notify entrants who have failed or are close to being eliminated, answer questions pertaining to the Call, check updates + keep track of them & progress & keypoints reached in the project files AND if I had but an ounce of motivation for it - convert/assemble/prime & paint some minis myself. :D
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What do you need to do ?


I mean despite creating the new thread, and commenting like you already do on the forum.

Apart from creating the thread etc, I need to handle registrations, update the rules, arrange for prizes, notify entrants who have failed or are close to being eliminated, answer questions pertaining to the Call, check updates + keep track of them & progress & keypoints reached in the project files AND if I had but an ounce of motivation for it - convert/assemble/prime & paint some minis myself. :D

Not to mention the potential talk with either TAS or OMG or both to coordinate the Call with another Call of the Imperium for the usual rivalry ;)



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I got a kit bashed Abaddon WIP, x2 oblits and a mash of 30+ unprimed CSM's. Another Call of Chaos may be the ticket as I am taking forever to paint my last three attack bikes for my DIY SM Gore Serpents. Also it may tear me away from warmachine for a while...



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