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So, what is currently on your painting table?

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This week, I'm finishing up a chaos warhound titan. It's taken four months, assembly and paint, but that's got more to do with real life being a complete pain (multiple familial medical crises, work, etc.) than the project's complexity. I originally expected to have it done in early May.


Next up, fifty-four World Eaters in power armor, twelve terminators, five rhinos.


Some pics are here.


I'll put some more up of the finished thing before long, maybe a post in hall of honor.

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This week, I'm finishing up a chaos warhound titan. It's taken four months, assembly and paint, but that's got more to do with real life being a complete pain (multiple familial medical crises, work, etc.) than the project's complexity. I originally expected to have it done in early May.


Some pics are here.

Well sir, award yourself a pat on the back, and a nice cup of milky tea FILLED WITH THE BLOOD OF YOUR ENEMIES for that effort. That's some nice painting and modelling there.

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In the Realm of Chaos there's always a work for us, isn't it, brothers? :)


So i'm painting my CSM and looking for new squads (one of CSM and one of Space Wolves, they'd be awesome CSM!) ))

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I also counted-even if its not on the paint table- more then 60 boxes worth of sprues,that still waits to be assembled...


There is Deamons,CSM,Dark Angels,Chaos Knights,Black Templars,Dark Eldars and Orks sprues...


And all in the sole purpose of extending my WE Horde,there's also OLD zombies and skeletons+ a few other bits.


Like you said Menkoroth,we chaos followers are on an eternal and endless quest for more power!

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There is Deamons,CSM,Dark Angels,Chaos Knights,Black Templars,Dark Eldars and Orks sprues...

Are my eyes betraying me? :) That's the list!!! And for World Eaters? Blood God should reward you with Daemonhood, brother! :)

I can't imagine what for d'you need so many bits, but if it's true, you're almost a Daemon Prince! :)

we chaos followers are on an eternal and endless quest for more power!

Exactly. I can't say better! :)

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For my CSMs...


Abaddon (My personal Mk2)



2 x Terminator Lords

2 x Daemon Princes

2 x Converted Imperial Dreads

6 Termies

3 Rhinos

9 1Ksons

14 Noise Marines

10 CSMs

3 Bikers

5 Raptors

2 Spawn


Land Raider

2 x home made Oblits

10 Havocs (home made, not the pewter bilge that is available)


Then there is the Daemons...


Keeper of Secrets

Lord of Change

Great Unclean One


3 Flamers

3 Bloodcrushers

15 Bloodletters

5 Fleshounds

3 Screamers

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1 Chaos Warhound

10 Chosen CSM for the Alpha Legion

10 regular CSM's for the Word Bearers

5 WB termies

2 Rhinos with Word Bearers FW doors.

12 Word Eater Berzerkers


And more stuff waiting to be put together/primed..

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Those are so awesome MaliGn!


Totally something I want to do for my Terminators now.


Speaking of the painting table two of the Daemons got done together with the Dark Apostle. So that leaves me with a handful of Daemons and the new wound marker project I've started. Well, that is until I pick up some of the other stuff I have but haven't chosen to start on yet. ;)



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thanks Thedarkapostle I'm really pleased with them, the plan is to turn it into the basing theme for the entire army, I just need a bit of variety in the patterns, maybe god-specific glyphs or some colchisian runesor something of that nature.


Dead easy but quite laborius to do, it's just tile effect plasticard with a design drawn on then carefully carved into the surface to create the mosaic. then cut the right sized circles out of it. they took ages to paint too, with needing to be careful not to get paint between the tiles.

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A bit of ink, or rather washes nowadays should take care of that problem.


Otherwise if you do accidentally get paint in there, drop a drop or two of water then take a dry brush and mix it out and then "suck" it up with the dryness of the brush. Dry it with a piece of paper to suck up the moisture and rinse and repeat until the paint is gone. :)

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The washes are hiding a few sins already!


I did bestial brown, bleached bone, skull white, gryphonne sepia and then highlights of skull white on the edges for the light tiles and red gore over chaos black followed by blood red, then baal red and blood red edge highlights for the red, all the recesses are bestial brown with gryphonne sepia over them, took about 8 hours with some lengthy breaks.


they lookd good, so it's worth it.


thanks for the comments.

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Ahriman remains half painted and my Word Bearer's dark apostle is still in need of some chains, skulls, and archaic things to make him fit the part. I have been inspired by a novel once again so I'll see if this goes any further than ideas.
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  • 1 month later...
For now i'm assembling the new Space Wolves squad converting them to the glory of Chaos. They'd be awesome CSM and there's also a lot of useful gear and bitz! An awesome box that can be used almost in any Chaos force! :D
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Let's see....


Painting desk has:


10 man squad of Word Bearer 'zerkers

4 Chaos termi's



(Though I really can't paint the Termi's until I find out if my attempt at TDA's WB shoulder pad mold technique is gonna work or not.....)




Kitbash and build desk has:


1 WB Coryphaeus Kol Badar

1 WB Dark Apostle Marduk

1 WB "Warmonger" dreadnought

1 Chaos Land Raider

1 Chaos Rhino

1 WB 34th Host Icon/Banner

1 First Acolyte Ashkanez kitbashed together and waiting on a head...

1 CSM 10 man Squad

5 Havocs/CSM heavy weapon marines 2 HB, 2 Plasmagun, 1 Asp Champ





Wall above my desk has a list of things to still buy:


2 more packages of Word Bearer shoulder pads

1 more Chaos Landraider

5 more Chaos Rhinos

2 Defilers

2 Oblits

1 Huron Blackheart to kitbash for my version of Dark Apostle Marduk in PA

an idea on how to kitbash a version of Darioc-Grendal

1 more box of Chaos Termis

1 more box of Possessed

Resin bases for all my Word Bearers

and possibly a 2nd Chaos dreadnought (though may use a venerable dred to kitbash the second)



that should keep me busy for the next few months....Maybe :teehee:

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I've just finished these, new bases for my Word Bearers, quite pleased with these.





Absolutely beautiful and a great basing idea MailGn!!


Do you have pics of them post wash or with your minis mounted on them? (or did I miss them somewhere, hehe)



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Well, having already had a project going and then stumbling onto a cheap battleforce auction or two...


Not all of this is completely assembled, but currently I have a HUGE chaos army in the making.

Something ridiculous, like the size of a chapter company (though not much in way of vehicles).

I'm taking time to try vaguely individualising them and having all with grenades, bolters, pistols and ccw's.

(Well, all that have that gear in the rules)


I will go for a rag tag army, though it may have elements from armies, like world eaters and thousand sons squads etc..

It's going to be a bunch that has been shuffled around in a "skull harvest" or two maybe, along with mercenary units.

Because of this and a fair bit of scavenging and looting the paintscheme will be all over the place.

All chaos gods will have at least a squad. Various characters are in the making.


Too bad the painting will likely take an eternity, even if I'll only go for something like tabletop quality, which is likely.



Nice pictures in this thread by the way. :D

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I have a bunch of stuff really.


Ahh lets see..


1 Defiler

6 or 7 Plague Marines,

5 or so Possessed,

some converted and unfinished Berserkers

5 loyalist Jump Pack Marines awaiting conversion to Raptors,

And i ordered a CSM Battle Force box last week...


So many minis and so little time...

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